Monday, June 28, 2010


So ol' Byrd passes on and just a bit more corruption leaves Congress.  They could probably make a movie after him.  Yeah, call it, "One Flew Out of the Kookoo's Nest".  Oh shut up, you know I'm just saying what a whole bunch of y'all are thinking, right?  Oh yeah, you won't admit it or else you'd be saying it.  Sorry.

Look, I hate to see anybody die, but the fact is, it is a fact of life.  There will be death.  And, if someone just has to die, then why not
a corrupt politician?  I know, some of you folks, who have your heart strings flappin' in the wind are saying, "Boy Sulak, you're being pretty callus." and maybe you're right.  If I offend, I'm sorry, but I do not know any other way and I just don't want to change.  Not on this, at least.

I mean, c'mon!  Let's call 'em like they are.  They didn't call Byrd the KING OF PORK for nothing!  He had joined the KKK and fought against civil rights, yet black people voted for him anyway.  Kinda like they did for Obama.  When will liberals ever learn the truth about Democrats?  Moving on now, Byrd participated in more graft and back room deals, then J Paul Getty or Al Capone.  He fooled a bunch with his  good ol' boy southern rhetoric, but off camera and out of sight he was as shrewd and corrupt as they come.  And really, that should be no surprise to anyone, but the very, very naive.  After all, aren't they all corrupt?  At least the ones, who are serving a second term or more, huh?  These non-representatives learn "the ropes" quick!  They pick up fast!  They learn where the REAL BUCKS are!  One soldier! in Afghanistan has more integrity in one grain of sand under his fingernail, then Robert Byrd had in his entire body!  Who are those whining Democrats trying to fool, anyway?  You?  Hey, don't look at me!

Don't y'all think, that it is high time, we put this "politically correct" "but that's what you're supposed to do" baloney to rest?  Why is it, that when a corrupt person passes away they, all of a sudden become righteous?  Sure, you can pray for their soul, if you want, but please do not make them into something they are not.  Robert Byrd may need are prayers, but he does not deserve our sympathy and ESPECIALLY our praise. 

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