Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Folks, I'm just sayin', that after I write the following, if I show up dead, like in a car accident, drive by, poison, etc., well, IT WILL NOT BE AN ACCIDENT or natural causes! Or if I should get arrested and put away, the charges WILL BE trumped up! Trust me. It will be someone in our government or someone connected to it, either directly or indirectly. This stuff is getting very, very serious! There are death threats being made and not by patriots! We must not loose ground because if we loose our COUNTRY, CONSTITUTION, AND BILL OF RIGHTS or the ability to strictly enforce them, well, we might as well all be dead anyway. Oh, and don't worry. I am not afraid to LOOK THIS IN TH' EYEBALL!
Now, all that I ask from the patriots out there, that are STRONG enough, is to do what I am doing many, many times over. There is a huge mess out there! It is the SINGLE MOST CAUSE of The United States of America's problems! WE NEED TO KEEP OUR EYE ON THIS BALL!! No matter how the "thugs" try to distract us!
Now, Alexander Hamilton started this mess in 1789 and you will learn what I am talking about soon. This is the single most important thing we can do to save OUR COUNTRY, so please stay with me. Thomas Jefferson adamantly opposed it stating "... are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies." In 1811, thanks Vice President, George Clinton, the mess was cleaned up, but in 1816, James Madison made his biggest error by starting the mess again. Then, in 1836, President Andrew Jackson, cleaned up the mess again and stated, "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God I will rout you out."
Things were back to normal again until 1913. Woodrow Wilson promised his backers (thugs), that if he was elected as President he would, once again start the mess. He was elected and fulfilled his, "signed in blood", "soul to the devil" promise. Later Wilson went on to say, "I have unwittingly ruined my country".
President Lincoln was killed because of this mess! No, it didn't have anything at all to do with slavery! Even John F. Kennedy was shot for trying to stop this mess and in 1963 he did stop it, by his executive order, but it only lasted about five months and all that he accomplished cleaning up the mess was almost immediately reversed.
Now here is a letter that I have sent to my representatives in Congress regarding this HUMONGOUS MESS:
August 19, 2009
Dear Kay, Louie, and John,
As one of your employers, among all the other employers of the United States of America, I would request that you, the employees of all the citizens of the United States of America, give me some simple answers to some simple questions concerning your continued employment and the employment of your fellow Congress men and women. I ask, that, as an employee, you respectfully answer the questions to follow truthfully and honestly. I further, as your employer, ask that you do not insult either my citizenship or intelligence, by “side stepping”, expanding upon or ignoring the questions. Furthermore please provide simple and straight forward answers. Here are the questions:
1. Does the United States of America borrow money from one or all of the Federal Reserve Bank or banks? ___YES ___NO
2. Does the United States of America pay principle and interest payments to the Federal Reserve Bank or banks?
___YES ___NO
3. How much is the United States of America’s monthly payment to the Federal Reserve Bank or banks? $_________________________
4. Are the Federal Reserve Bank or banks “privately owned”? ___YES ___NO
5. Who or what main entity owns the Federal Reserve Bank or banks?
6. Is it true, that the more money the United States of America borrows, the more interest the Federal Reserve Bank or banks makes?
___YES ___NO
7. Is it also true, that the Federal Reserve Bank or banks still receives interest on this borrowed money, whether it is spent or unspent?
___YES ___NO
8. Has the Federal Reserve Bank or banks ever, in the history of the United States of America, been shut down and/or closed? ___YES ___NO
9. Is it true that, regardless the amount of money The Untied States of America borrows for project(s), technology, or equipment, like war, health care, Medicare, Medicaid, illegal aliens, stimulus, toilets, private jets, crescent wrenches, to name a few, the Federal Reserve Bank or banks still draws/makes interest? ___YES ___NO
10. Now without naming names, do you believe that there are people in our government, that could possibly use the Federal Reserve Bank or banks, for their own profit, power, and/or advancement? ___YES ___NO
I will certainly look forward to your timely reply.
John L Sulak
One of your employers and
A natural born citizen of The United States of America
During these difficult times of getting on this, jumping on that, back over here, then over there, forming one group here and another one group there please try to stay UNITED on this. If we will shut down this one entity, THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND IT'S BRANCHES, then we literally solve The United States of America's problems. It is the uppermost thing, throughout our history that has "SOILED" our great country. LET US CLEAN UP THIS MESS NOW! Please. Copy this letter and mail, email, text, phone, or tell it to anyone and everyone you can think of. This blatant robbery has got to stop! Remember, it has been SHUT DOWN three times and it can be shut down again!
...and that's some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY. Watch yer backs out there and mine to, okay? Im' just sayin'. Oh, and if and when, I get replies to my letter, I will certainly let ya know.........if I'm still kickin'!


  1. I'm already hitched and in love for th' last 37 years sugar. Sorry. Oh, and my brothers are all married to.

  2. more clarification of your statement buddy....get more specific in why the federal reserve...and not the greed(one of the seven deadly sins) on wall street is to blame for our fiscal problems please...

  3. Be patient Lisa. Be very patient. Read my articles and and and THERE WILL BE MORE.

  4. Oh yeah, Lisa - you cannot get in too much detail about the FED because they have never been audited nor have they payed taxes. Those two tthings ALONE are enough for me, but it is also known that they do get PAYMENTS from the USA that includes outrageous interest. Did you got to any of the sites I posted?

  5. Hey there John,
    How about any ummarried sons?
    Love your stuff. And I'm just an old east Texas gal, myself. And I do LOVE my United States of America, as well. I don't know if your a vet, my I take this moment to say to all vets old and new THANK YOU FOR OUR FREEDOM.

  6. Sorry Tatercakes, no sons, but two lovely daughters. Oh, and yes I am a disabled vet and thank you very much.


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.