Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"MY THOUGHTS!  I am sick of these "self righteous" race baiters!  If Jesse Jackson, Snoop Dogg,  and Al Sharpton had been held accountable for all the pure crap they have spouted about white people, they would be destitute today!  What Sterling did was not right, but IT WAS NOT AGAINST THE LAW!  This is a very slippery slope, when folks, who do not break any laws can have their businesses taken away based on their speech!  We are a nation of laws and we need to learn that the ol' "racism" door swings both ways!  Personally I am an American with a tan and so our the rest of us, but I COULD CARE LESS if your "tan" is darker or lighter than mine.  The fact that I am an American is all I need!" - John L Sulak

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