Wednesday, April 30, 2014


"Why don't you "race baiters" just go ahead and come out with what you really want to say and that is, that you absolutely HATE ANYONE who is white?  I have never in my life imagined I would see so many misguided people following such pure con artists!
Definition of Democrats since they first owned slaves:  A person (or group of persons), who use the poor of a country to gain financial success and power by pretending to help them!

The Democrats still do this to this very day and ignorant poor Americans will sell themselves out for a free phone, a hunk of cheese and a few bucks, while losing any remaining dignity they have.  In fact, most do not even know or care what dignity, responsibility or integrity is.  Their motto:  If it's free, I want it and I do not care who has to work and pay for it!  In fact, most have convinced themselves that it is OWED TO THEM!
Yes folks, this is how Democrats continue to rule the Federal Government and they continue making the ignorant poor poorer and more ignorant day by day!  Oh and by ignorant poor, I in no way mean ALL poor!" - John L Sulak

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