Monday, July 19, 2010


There was a Chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country, who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a communist government.

In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'  The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke.

You see, 'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs that are used to the free corn start to come through the gate to eat, and then you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America . The government keeps pushing us toward socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc, etc, etc. While we continue to lose our freedoms - just a little at a time.

One should always remember: There is no such thing as a free Lunch! Also, a politician or an attorney will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.

So, if you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America , you might want to send this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life then you will probably delete this email, but God help you when the gate slams shut!

In this 'very important' election year, and especially in 2012, listen very closely to what the candidates are promising you - just maybe, you will be able to tell who is about to slam the gate on America.

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.' Thomas Jefferson.

Obama has taken away our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our businesses, our health care, and our due process and soon we will lose Congress (both House and Senate), The Supreme Court, Internet, "Truth" media, religion, and our very lives through his new "ASSASSINATION" ACT.  Oh, you haven't heard of that one?  He now has the power to assassinate you, if he believes you are a terrorist.  Uh huh.  And without any go betweens like a judge or a trial.  Investigate it!  It was on Glenn Beck's show this afternoon.

It's getting close guys.  Obama, for intensive purposes, is now a DICTATOR!  He is gaining more power each day.  Heck, we have even lost American soil to Hamas in Arizona!  That hasn't happened since the Alamo.  All he is waiting on, is for some white supremacist idiot to shoot somebody and he will call in his jack-booted thugs (SEIU, Black Panthers, ACORN, some factions of the NAACP, and other "hand picked" idiots) to move in and try to take out the more active conservatives.  After that is done, then it's all down hill from there.  

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