Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The first AMERICAN DICTATOR in the history of the world!  I give you Barrack Hussein Obama, 'cause man I sure don't want the sucker!  This unknown, broke, no legal documentation, lil' punk, walked into our country and with the help of some very rich thugs, and yes, probably some murderers and Chicago crime bosses, got elected as a mere president.  I say "mere president" because just being president was not good enough for him.  No sir!  He needed a whole lot more to feed his
greedy, arrogant ego.  Yes sir!  He needs ALL of America!  He needs SUPREME POWER!  He needs the world!  This nobody!  This shell!  This very empty suit!  This UNKNOWN and UNDOCUMENTED body and a pair of lips, wants you, me, liberal, conservative, white, black, religious, atheist, rich and poor to BOW at his feet!  To kiss his ring, so to speak!  And we are letting him get away with it!  Oh, yes we are!  Yes we are!  Make no mistake...YES WE ARE!

FOLKS!  We have lost American soil under Dictator Obama.  AMERICAN SOIL!  Think about that.  About a year ago, I, half jokingly, called Arizona the Gaza Strip of America.  Now Hamas has a very strong foothole their.  Isn't that who Israel is fighting with?  Serious enough for ya?  Think about that!  We have given up American soil to terrorist and drug lords!  Hamas?  I still have a hard time saying that.  We have the friggin' muslims, who want us dead, controlling our land!  Now, that just pisses me off!  Sorry about that, but I am mad!  And I do not need to make excuses for being so!  We all need to be angry as hell and determined to stop Dictator Obama in his tracks!  Oh yeah, He is a DICTATOR!  No real President would ever BETRAY us like this!  This is America!  We don't let things like this happen in America! 

Oh, and did you know, that Dictator Obama, can now have you killed?  Did you know that?  Shut up and listen!  This is not a joke and I'm not laughing.  He can have virtually ANY American citizen assassinated!  How? 

"Today in a congressional hearing, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair acknowledged that the U.S. may, with executive approval, deliberately target and kill U.S. citizens who are suspected of being involved in terrorism."  --

So, without an arrest, a trial, a hearing, a meeting, or any other form of DUE PROCESS, his boys can walk up to you and say. "Son, your a terrorist!  Bang!  Your dead!"  Still laughing?  I didn't think so.  Look at the facts...PLEASE!  This guy!  This little weasel cannot be allowed to pull off this SCAM!  It would be like allowing Charles Manson to go on killing.  Oh yes it would!  Dictator Obama is setting us up for far more death than Manson could ever dream of and Obama's mind is just as sinister.  Make no mistake about this....PLEASE!  We ARE literally running out of time!  We may not make the 2012 elections and the 2010 elections will be rigged or, at minimum, a huge attempt will be made to rig them.  Oh yeah, and the stimulus money, that Dictator Obama hasn't spent?  Well, just watch.  It will be used in some form or fashion to "shore up" the elections.  Common sense dictates it.
"The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you."  --   NOW DOUBLE CLICK THIS LINK AND WATCH HIS  DECEPTIONS:  and when you finish, if you have not seen it, please watch the July 19, 2010 showing of the Glenn Beck show.  Seriously, whether you love him or hate him, just watch the show.  It is a very "need to know" thing.  Here is the link:                                          
Sorry about the 30 second commercial.

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