Monday, June 7, 2010


Tea Party members are just rednecks.  They have no brains.  They just thump their Bibles and condemn everyone.  They have no common decency what so ever.  Well Hollywood, and all you "better than anybody" elites, you can stick it where the sun don't shine!  You, and I'm sure to your surprise, are a mere pittance compared to the greatness of patriotism, which you offend daily!  You are just an evil spec on all that is good!  You turn my stomach!  You disgust me!  You are DEAD to me!  I pray, that your next motion picture, concert, and/or "pet project" fails miserably, regardless the reason!  For what ever reason, with you, there will ALWAYS be a corrupt, underlying, reason, which will TRY to rot all who see, hear, or touch it!

Now, I know TRUE PATRIOTS will love this video.  It has NO hidden message!  It is straight forward and honest!  It is from the heart!  It is filled with REAL experience, not shallow babbling!  And, if you despicable, self proclaimed elite, can bear to hear the truth, let me give you fair warning.  This may turn you to stone!  So be very careful, unless your heart is true.  Please watch and praise be to Almighty God Our Father!


  1. Lance M Hillier Sr6/07/2010 4:53 PM

    Amen, Hallelujah, and thank you Jesus for Patriots everywhere... it has been YEARS since I was reminded there is a second verse to our National Anthem, and sung so well a capella by an ex-Marine in Douglas County, GA - 351,917 hits since 6-4-10, as of 4:52pm CST 6-7-10... God Bless, and thanks John for the link!

  2. It was great, huh Larry? Thanks for comment. God bless ALL patriots!

  3. This is maybe the 4th time I have received this video from different sources. Every time I get it I end up listening to it multiple times. The last few times I have started to -watch- it, here is what I see.

    When the folks first start hearing it, they have been listening to talking. You start to see them looking. A what is this look? He's singing not talking. They listen more intently. Sounds familiar, uhhh hummm sounds like -Star Spangled Banner- !!! Brains start making the connection to heart. Bodies start making connection to brain. Physical reactions start happening One stands, now another. Hands move to hearts, hats come off. More and more are getting it. Standing, heart covering hats off, and turning towards the singer. The song continues, all are standing, the last line is being sung, it the same as in all 4verses. Then you see it, at least two people, their lips are moving. It's easy to read their lips, “O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!” Then of course the applause, looks of admiration. I'd bet there wasn't a dry eye in sight.

    John, I think of your work and see the folks in this video and I have REAL HOPE. Not the false hope of the false president with his hollow promises, lies and deception. Actually it's beyond hope, it's KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge that we have not lost OUR COUNTRY. She is just a off on the wrong track right now, nothing that can't be fixed. What form that fixing will take, has yet to be revealed. I know patriots, true patriots have the resolve to do WHAT EVER IT TAKES to make things RIGHT.

    Thanks for your work, Best Regards, Rick

  4. Rick - thanks so much! My wife & I were making the same sort of comments during the singing. A little INSPIRATION goes a long, long, way. We all need to be inspired! Thank you.


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