Monday, June 7, 2010


So, you have Goldman-Sachs selling off two hundred and fifty million dollars worth of British Petroleum (BP) stock one day, please let me repeat that, ONE DAY before the oil rig exploded in the Gulf.  Huh?  Folks, that is what you might call, " a mighty big hunch".  $250,000,000!  Next, you have the CEO of BP selling off one point four million dollars of the stock, about a week before the oil rig exploded.  Huh?  Then Obama sends in a SWAT team!  No not rescuers, but a SWAT team.  Huh?  I think, that's the first time in history, that has been done on an oil rig explosion.  But that's not all.  Next, Obama sits on his can, golfs, vacations, sings the Beatles with McCartney and barbecues with Louis Farrakhan.  All this, while informing the public, us, that EVERYONE is working twenty-four seven on this emergency.  Huh?  I think he, Obama, thinks that he is Woodrow Wilson and it is 1913, when the things the President does and says is hidden.  He and Rahm must be smokin' some HEAVY stuff!

Oh, and speaking of Rahm.   It seems that ol' Rhamy done added to this Obama/BP fiasco.  Yeah,
the ol' boy done got his rent covered for five years.  Yep!  A free apartment for five full years, and guess who picked up his tab?  Rosa DeLauro, a Representative in Connecticut, was gracious enough to help poor ol' Rhamy out.  Uh huh, she did.  Oh, I almost forgot, her hubby, Stanley Greeberg, just happened to own the consulting firm, that gave BP all them good "green" ideas.  Funny huh?

Bottom line:  Once again, something goes WRONG and Obama has his hands and smell allover it!  This stinks to high heaven.  No what isn't funny?  Obama and his thugs have done things to us time after time after time after time again........and, he will do it time after time after time again!  As a WHOLE we have become too passive and comfortable.  So many, cannot even begin to imagine a world without comforts and it is just a snap of the fingers away!

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