Saturday, April 24, 2010


Was watching television the other day, I know, it's a shame, but don't we all?  Anyway, there were these three gals on there talking about, that show, you know, The Real Housewives of New York, or something like that and of course they were pushing the show and a book.  Well, when asked what they like most about the show, one of them actually said, that she likes the fact, that they keep it real.  REAL?  I thought I was going to fall out of my chair from laughing so hard.  Tears were rolling down my cheek.  My wife came in and asked, "Honey?  Are you okay?"  I reassured her, that all was fine and asked her to sit and watch.  Neither of us could believe what we were seeing.  Here were these three bimbos, and no I do not think all women are bimbos, but these three were, and they were talking about "keeping it real."  Huuuuh!  Real?

I've never watched the show, just because the commercials, for it, make me wanna puke.  I mean, c'mon, think about it.  Could you be "real" with a camera crew all around you and a director hollering, "cut", "action", or "let's do that again"?  Of course not.  Let alone, if you were some rich spoiled brat or gold digger.  Oh shut up!  You know they are.  Seriously, I have to really feel sorry for folks, that watch this show, and hang on every scene and word, all the while believing, that this is how these bimbos are in real life.  I got a feeling, that in the REAL WORLD this show would have to be rated triple x and could only be seen on a "smut" channel.  No, it's fake guys.  Not real!  Phony!  Just like TV Wrestling, Alice in Wonderland, Survivor, Wizard of Oz, Celebrity Apprentice, Martha Stewart, The The Bachelorette, The Marriage Ref, The Amazing Race, Charm School, Jane Fonda, and the great imposter, Barrack Hussein Obama, among many others.

Webster's defines "REAL" this way:  1 : of or relating to fixed, permanent, or immovable things (as lands or tenements)  2 a : not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory : genuine.  No sir, I do not think any of those bimbos or things I mentioned above would fit, that definition, huh?  Now REALITY is the quality or state of being real, as ol' Webster describes it.  Naw, can't seem to say that The Real Housewives of New York is anywhere close to being in a state of being real.  Oh, and forget about the QUALITY of being real.  Boy, that would be one heck of a stretch, huh?  Them gals on that show wouldn't know REAL if it jumped up and bit them on the, uh, hmm, ........upper thigh.

Guys, we worry about our kids and what they are teaching them, and boy, we should.  We should fight some of the junk they are infusing in those young minds, tooth and nail, but what about us?  You and me.  Adults.  Oh, you're so smart, that you think your not getting just a small taste of their propaganda concoction?  You are!  We all are!  Instead of just laughing, crying, or just watching a television show or commercial, have you ever studied them?  The words?  The actions?  The acceptance?  The down right ignorance of it?  Have you?  Really?  If you do, you will be astonished!  Believe it or not, when we turn on that television, we slip willingly into a world of NO REALITY!  We all do and we all have changed our lives because of it.  We have almost forgotten how to analyze, study, dissect, and/or relate to what is REAL and to what is not.  No wonder so many of our citizens are living in LA LA LAND.

How many of you have seen the "buy gold" commercials?  Think it's a good deal?  Have you bought some?  Would you like to, if you had the money?  Now think about it.  Analyze it.  Some of the ads state, "Gold is the best investment anyone can make!"  "The best investment."  Think on that, then apply some common sense.  Truly, if GOLD is the best, greatest, safest, smartest, none better, no fail, investment one could make, .....why would ANYONE sell it?  They'd be a fool to let it go!  They would keep it a complete secret and hope no one would find out.  Yet, here they are selling their precious investments like a con, on a street corner, selling cheap watches.  REAL?  I don't think so!  The only thing REAL are the dummies, that actually buy this baloney!  It's okay.  I'm not giving out any names. 

REALITY?  Reality, in many, many ways is gone.  It has gone or soon will be.  Everything REAL is being attacked by a bunch of soulless, corrupt, weak minded, greedy, inhuman, and yes, even insane, SMALL group of very evil individuals.  They are attacking our industries, our churches, our schools, the weather, adults, teenagers, infants, the unborn, and yes, even OUR GOD!  What they have in store for our world is beyond a NORMAL human beings imagination.  What they want is not REAL.  At least, not the REAL, that Jews, Christians, and all others who believe in their God, believe and know is real.  What they want could only be described as a malignant tumor upon all that is holy.  I am so glad, that a whole lot of folks HAVE NOT done the research, which I have done.  Your stomachs would churn.  For those, that have done as much, or much, much more than me, well, my prayers are with you and I hope yours are with me.  All I can say is that it is much worse than what the illusions of television gives you.  Much worse, but not unhealable.  Remember that.  This country is not dead, just sick. 

The healing has already begun.  God is on our side!  All this terrible mess, that Obama, the great imposter, and all the politicians and their cronies, have got us in, can be CLEANED UP!  Obama is having more, and more trouble, each day, covering up his lies.  He is FAILING!  We just need to keep convincing folks!  A few here, a few there, one more and one more again and we will get there.  This country, always with God's help, will be strong, honest, and credible again!  We will run the rats out!  NEVER GIVE UP ON THAT!

....and that's some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.        


  1. You just keep telling it like it is and the other eight million of us that are on that "Secret List of 'Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists'" who are to rounded up in the event of a "serious civil disturbance" will keep telling everyone we know with columns and newsletters and patriot posts and FB rants and burning up the phone lines, land and cell, cause HELL they're already listening to everything anyway, even out in the open, so let's just "Give 'Em Something to TALK ABOUT!"

  2. Greetings John
    It's great to see another post. Thank you.
    Baxter Simpson, husband, father, grandfather, natural born east Texas native.

  3. Hey, thanks for the support Baxter. Appreciate ya!


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