Thursday, December 10, 2009


HOUSE BILLS?  SENATE BILLS?  Do you really know what they are?  Legislation?  Nope, they ain't no legislation.  New laws?  Heck no!  They sure ain't no new laws.  How about "proposed" new laws and/or legislation, that will make our lives better?  Really?  Are you kidding me?  Our lives better?  No way, partner!  Okay then, are they just paper, that really do not mean anything?  Hey, you're gettin' closer, chief!   What about a corrupt form of legislation?  Whew!  You are getting very warm.  Okay, I give up.  What are they?

Well, since you asked.  Let me start out this way.  Have y'all every watched one of those gangster movies, where they just got through pulling off the heist?  Yeah, they meet back at the cheesy motel room or hideout to divvy up the loot.  They are laughing, drinking, smoking cigars, and just as excited as they can be, about what they got away with.  Have you ever seen one of those?  Sure you have.  Me too.  Well, my friend, you just got a very good description, of what goes on, in the back rooms, of Congress, when they are fighting over one of these "BILLS."

BILLS?  Isn't it ironic, yeah, I do know just a few of them "elite" words, but seriously, isn't it ironic, that they are called "BILLS?"  I mean, of all the names they could have picked, they choose, "BILLS."  Actually, it is not ironic, at all.  In fact, it is very appropriate.  Think about it.  When we think of BILLS, in every day life, what do we think of?  House payment, electricity, water, gas, food, and things like that, right?  Or, we think of dollar BILLS.  Money. And now, we have finally come to the real meaning of HOUSE and SENATE BILLS.

They are HUGE PILES OF OUR MONEY.  That's it!  No need to think of them as anything else.  Why do you think politicians keep proposing these BILLS?  Thousand of them!  We do not really need them.  We would be better off without 95% of them, but they keep coming up with them.  Why?  It's simple.  Other than taxes, it is the only way, that they can get their sticky little fingers on more of our money.  Just like the thugs in the gangster movies, they are robbing us.  A BILL is just a vehicle they use to get to it.  Seriously, think about it.

Without exception, every single BILL, that is PASSED, by both the HOUSE and the SENATE, includes PAY OFFS!  Yes sir!  That's how JOHN MURTHA got a 300 million dollar airport, near his home, that only has one plane, that flies in and out.  Did I mention, that it was built by a very close relative?  Thought you might want to know that too.  Anyway, the funds, for this USELESS airport, were attached to a BILL.  He just ROBBED us of $300 million of OUR MONEY!  And I'm sure he had a stiff drink and a hearty laugh, at OUR EXPENSE. 

Oh, and do not forget NANCY PELOSI'S POND.  She got millions for it.  Guess what?  The funds were attached to a BILL.  Bingo!  We just got ROBBED again.  Oh, and Nancy's husband owns STARKIST AND DELMONTE, you'd think, because they are such good, patriotic, and honest citizens, they would have funded THE SWAMP themselves. 

And then there is that ol' broad from Louisiana.  What's her name?  Oh yeah, MARY LANDRIEU.  You see, she was just absolutely not going to vote for the healthcare BILL.  She was quite adamant about.  No vote!  No siree, Bob!  But then see had a vision.  It must of come to her in her sleep.  She decided to vote for it!  Good gosh!  Why the change of heart?  Well, my friends, ol' HARRY REID, being the fine piece of dung, that he is, bought her.  Yep!  100 million dollars will go to her state.  It got attached to the, you guessed it, BILL.  Guess what?  Yeah, I know.  WE GOT ROBBED AGAIN! 

Now those are just a very few examples of what EVERY SINGLE BILL contains.  It does not take much research, on the internet, to find, that virtually every single member of Congress and Obama's Appointees have got some kind of GRAFF from every BILL.  It our terms, it's called CORRUPTION!  In theirs, it's called negotiations.  In our world, it's called disgrace to OUR CONSTITUTION!  In theirs, it's called "needed to help the American people."  We are WORLDS APART, huh?

Okay, to sum this up, let me give you my two cents worth.  We need to conclude, that the current Congress and Obama administration is gone.  History!  A lost cause!  Out of touch!  Brain dead!  Once we realize that, we can begin to fight in the CORRECT direction.  STATES RIGHTS!  We need to get the FED almost completely out of our lives.  We need to petition OUR STATES to disregard the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and reclaim OUR STATE SOVEREIGNTY.  This is what our FOUNDING FATHERS intended.  This is what is right.  If we do not accomplish this WE WILL FALL.   The "BACK ROOM" thugs in Washington are very afraid of this.  Really?  They are.  It is the one thing, which they have little or no control of.

So, when you hear the following, please remember this:



Its all about money, power, and WORLD GOVERNMENT CONTROL. 

I'll leave you with this.  There are three, very corrupt organizations, which basically, run OUR WORLD.  They are:


If anyone is a member and/or advisor to any of these groups, be very aware of them.  They are your ENEMY!  They mean you NO GOOD!  You would not believe how many folks are attached to these groups.  Names you hear everyday.  Some, you may even trust.  DO NOT TRUST THEM!  These are the framers of THE NEW WORLD ORDER.  They condone population control.  They believe that, if 90% of the current world population were gone, the world would be perfect.  They believe in SEVERE health care rationing.  They promote pedophiles, prostitution, and all forms of immoral behavior and lifestyles.  They are pure EVIL.  Make no mistake.  Here is a chart, which will give you all the grizzly details.  It is truly unbelievable.  If you see a name with a "B", "C", and/or a "T" beside it, do all you can to defeat this individual.  America truly does DEPEND ON US, DOING AWAY with these groups.  Never forget that. (it may take a while to open)

....and there you have some more opinions from THE DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Y'all be careful out there, okay?


  1. TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY is not so dumb at all! There is no intelligeble argument to a single word of this commentary. It's all true; and very well stated, I might add. Well done, sir. Keep spreadin' the truth. Thanks.

  2. Once again, I thank you, Cary. It's always good to know that you have friends in the cause. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. You have it all figured out and thank you for posting this for everyone to read.
    These people who want to control our lives and the world are all about the power they can have. God help us all!

    Liberalism is a mental disorder

  4. TH'DUMB OL EAST TEXAS BOY has done it again! Hey John keep up the great work, I can't believe that our President,Congressmen and Senators (we know who they are) that "WE THE PEOPLE" trusted to standby their oath of office, to protect and standby the Constitution..Have stabbed the American public in the back with their unauthorized use of taxpayers money..Sell us out and throw America to the dogs to devour us up behind our backs. THIS HAS TO STOP>>They should be arrested and tried for TREASON.. Oh did you see Obama just otherized to spend $3.1 billion to pay American Indians for government missmanagement of Indian affairs. Saw it on Beck sat.

  5. John you really hit the nail on the head once again. If only the un-American Sheeple could see thru the haze of their television programmed flouridated pea-brains to realize they are complicit in the destruction and looting of this once great nation. Not until the stores close and hollyweird sez the gigs up, everyone relocate!

  6. If this wasn't so sad (politically speaking and as regarding the future of our republic), it would be funny particularly as referencing John McCain. Hopefully, more of We, the People will understand that McCain's campaign for president in '08 was a farce. Look at how they worked so hard at hiding Palin after her first three campaign speeches. The Republican Party leadership was afraid of Palin because she was reaching those people who would eventually become the political activists of today (she didn't play their game of the "good ole boys"). The McCain campaign had no obvious intention of winning the race when it became obvious that they would not question such issues as "qualifications to becoming president per the Constitution, BHO's associates in the Chicago world of politics, and BHO's gaffes during debates which McCain led slide by). Now that people can see that McCain is part of the Council on Foreign Relations, they need to look up info on the Council and discover how influential they are. Thanks for getting this list out, John. You've provided more facts that We, the People can vet and hence reinforce our opinions and feelings regarding the current administration and those who we might have thought we could trust.
    Wild Bill Conant

  7. MB - You know what's going on and yes I have heard about the Indian deal. It really doesn't matter what it is - IT'S JUST ALL ABOUT SPENDING AND BREAKING OUR COUNTRY, so they can rebuild it THEIR WAY.

  8. JON - Thanks so much for the good words. I appreciate it, but what I appreciate the most is everyone spreading the patriotic word. Thanks.

  9. Bill - I think that anyone with a lick of sense, know where McCain stands. I think that he has forgotten his real SERVICE DAYS.

  10. Ahhh but in the end the coppers blows them all away! Wooo Hooo I think I will join the coppers!!!! Where is my tommy gun!?!

  11. Love this page. I agree even with your sometime tongue in cheek comments. My thinking why McCain frustrated Palin because he was letting Obama win..on purpose?...not on purpose? Both still debatable in my book.

    Everyone talking about a one term president. My other thoughts that if Obama last until 2012 we're done for. 'O' knows this also, this is why he's trying to move things quickly before the 2010 election in November. Marxist country anyone? New World Order coming, hope thoe traitors like the taste of it.

    Any takers if I'm right or not? How about you, 'Not so dumb ol'Texas Boy?'

  12. Hey Marine Mom! I like your spunk, kiddo. Hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does, I hope they know how to run REAL FAST 'cause we gonna be on their tail!

  13. renogigi - you're preachin' to choir here. I've been spouting that for some time now. They have to be stopped.

  14. Funny one. I liked it very much. Thanks for sharing


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