Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The United States of America.  Y'all say that with me now.  THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  What are we really saying folks?  Have we forgotten what this is?  The key words are "United States"!  They are not Government or America or Society or Federal or anything else.  They are The United States of America.  We are The United States of America!  And no matter what a skinny, smooth talkin', well dressed, arrogant, undocumented, socialistic, lying little punk with a teleprompter for a head tells ya, well, he's just WRONG!  Yes, I said he was lying!  I mean, wake up!  If anyone, and I mean, anyone, seriously thinks that this guy is not a liar, well let me throw this out there.  You might, want to get your cute lil' unknowing head EXAMINED!  The fella LIES virtually everyday!  Really!  Listen to him.  No, not with just your ears, but with your brain too.  If you cannot hear the lies, well my friend, YOU ARE IN DENIAL!
Now where was I?  Oh yeah, The United States.  You see, We have enormous power!  We really, really, do.  Sure, the ol' DC gang never says a word about this 'cause it might take away some of their BLUFF, but we still have it.  What?  It's in our name.  The United States of America.  Yes, I'm sayin' it a lot 'cause I'm trying to drive it home.  The Federal Government ain't nothing, but now The United States of America, that's a whole NEW BALL GAME!  Well, it's actually an old ball game, it's just that nobody plays it anymore.  Folks, it's time to dust off the old uniforms and equipment and bring back the old game and run THESE PUNKS with their new game OUT OF TOWN!  We are The United States of America after all!
United States.  United States.  United States.  Hmm.  Where did that go?  It just up and disappeared!  Vanished.  No, it's still here and we are going to start using it again!  Quit talking to your so-called representatives.  Ha!  What a joke!  The Czars?  Obama? Ha, Ha!  Even worse!  Only labor union bosses get their ears!  You got to quit all that stuff.  Unless, of course, you like banging your head up against the wall just to see if the sucker will bleed.  Start talking to you Governors.  It is the STATES that have the real power!  The STATES can tell the FEDS to "cram it"!  Really!  Our founding fathers put that in place.  The Constitution enforces it, at least, what's left of it.  Let me make this very clear!  IT IS THE UNITED STATES THAT DICTATES TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!  As Obama, his puppets and Congress, would have you believe, it is not the other way around!
Have you ever looked at and read the "REAL" Constitution?  Take a peek by clicking on this link: .  The original Constitution was pretty darn good, but then all the lil' rats started nibbling on the cheese.  Somebody should have built a better mouse trap way back then.  Now click on this link: and look at all the amendments.  This is where it starts to get ugly. Notice under each Article you see "proposed", "ratified", "possibly ratified", "unratified", "allegedly ratified", "not ratified", "questionably ratified", "possibly unconstitutional", "repealed", and/or "expired unratified".  Blah....bla bla....blah blah....blah!   See what happens when some really dumb, egotistical, corrupt guys try to change what some really smart, honest guys have done.  Okay, there may have been a few honest ones, I'll give ya that, but you see where I'm comin' from, right?  Even the Bill of Rights are not COMPLETELY ratified.  Click here and see .
Now, I ain't no Wall Street shyster, but I pride myself in spottin' a SNOW JOB when I see one.  Yeah, like Global Warming!  Movin' on now.  So, something is sayin' to me, "Hey chief, watch yourself!  This just don't look right.  These so-called smart ones are pullin' some wool over your eyes!  Naw, not just a few strands, but a whole truck load!  You better get ready to do some prunning.  At least, by 2010, if not sooner!"  Yeah, the lil' punk is finagling like a Mississippi card sharp!  Yes, it can been stated as "card sharp" or " card shark".  It is the same thing.  Didn't know that, did you?  Well anyway that slick card sharp in our Whitehouse is fixin' to loose both sleeves and we are going to see ALL THE CARDS!  Want a bet?
So, as we move on, it seems, that we had a few good, honest, wise men, that laid down, for us, a path to follow.  They cut away all the briars and brambles and made the way very clear.  Then slowly, one at a time, folks in power, started messing with the path.  Some wanted the path to benefit them, others wanted the path to wind around in a way beneficial to them, still others planted briars, so we'd have to go in their direction, and then some planted brambles to take us towards them, and now we have some pure dee weasels that don't want the path at all.  They are called PROGRESSIVES!  They want to forge a new path!  They want to lead us over a cliff!  Or at least, into this most poverty stricken state we could possibly be!  Why?  CONTROL!  Do not forget this.  The weak are CONTROLLED by the strong.  The HAVE NOTS are CONTROLLED by the HAVES!  Aren't you tired of being led down these insignificant paths?  I know I am.  We need are old, clear, easy to follow, path back.  It will not let us down and we can walk freely down it without being led.  Now chew on that stuff 'til you get your belly full.
...and there you have some more opinions from THE DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Oh, Momma just hollered, gotta go, supper's on the table and it sure smells good.  Wish y'all were here.  

1 comment:

  1. Right as right, and far from the course the current White House is taking us. Keep it going; we're with you!


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