Friday, June 13, 2014


So all you “village” people have your games, music, piercings, bling, YouTube and Starbucks, huh?  That’s right, you know who you are!  You are lazy, rude, uncaring (except for trees and every weird bug or animal on the planet), trashy, slutty, immoral and “always” lookin’ for a handout without one bit of thanks or concern when you get one.  Well, you heard the ol’ sayin’, “What goes around comes around”?  What am I sayin’?  Of course you haven’t!  Hell, that would mean you learned a thing or two!  Anyway, your time is almost here because y’all are bein’ played as suckers by pros!  Oh yeah, you are!  Let me explain, if you are curious….or not.
Ya see, there are “free” games everywhere….along with tons of other “empty minded” free stuff.  It’s everywhere!  There are unbelievably “unreal” television programs, which claim to be “reality”.  In fact, there is “Unreality” all over the net and tube and most is FREE.  Hey and this is on top of all the free food, utilities, gas (yes gas), phones, cars and countless other “free” stuff.  Now why do you think that all these millionaires, billionaires and the government would do this for free?  I’ll tell ya why.  They do it because they are watering the ol’ sucker tree.  You see, the more lazy, “dependent”, immoral, irresponsible and unconcerned they can make you, the more they control you.  Pretty soon, you will be totally dependent on them just to survive and many of you are there right now!  Now, the “Big Boyz” are growin’ their sucker tree at an alarmin’ rate and soon you suckers will be ripe for the pickin’ and you’ll look at each other and say, “What just happened?”
How in the hell do you think all the dictators in the world took over?  At first they were just as sweet as an ol’ lady handin’ out ice cream, they gradually dumbed the folks down, got ‘em to drop their guard and BOOM!  Look at history!  What am I sayin’?  That would require effort and take you away from all the “free” stuff bein’ handed out.
Now, as those in control devise more plans to “dumb” you down, fatten you up, loosen your morals and train you to have no concern about anyone or anything, here is another tidbit for you to “gobble” up at the cost of those of us tryin’ to REALLY HELP you.
FREE GAS for those of you, who still have wheels.  Yep, it’s free!  No strings attached……..except for your dignity!  Yes sir, “your” government CONTROLLERS (not mine) is quietly using a little known provision of the law to roll out a nationwide network of free gas stations for minorities and the poor.  Yep, Obama’s administration, enablers and financiers is using its authority under the Affordable Care Act to "improve transportation routes to hospitals" to dispense gasoline free of cost in disadvantaged neighborhoods (and the “disadvantaged” neighborhoods in America will grow folks!  Yes they will!  It’s da plan!).
This lil’ booger of a program gonna cost us “workers” $2 billion smackers a year!  It will distribute 40 million gallons of free gasoline each year through 70 new gas stations constructed in major metropolitan areas. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) will be responsible for operating the network, whose first station opened in Detroit.  Who woulda thunk it?  Detroit!  A city which has been ruled by only Democrats for decades!  Chicago will probably be next.  Any bets?
Now get this, "It's not something we're publicizing very much, for obvious reasons," explains Dori Salcido, assistant DHS secretary for public affairs. "But under the law we are well within our rights to offer this service, and we think it's good public policy.  You bet it is “good policy” to those supportin’ DA PLAN!  It will increase the crop of “dead beats” tremendously and make the “dependents” even more dependent!  She went on to say, "How are people supposed to get to the doctor's office if they don't have gas in their cars? Health insurance is worthless if you can't make your appointment. This is just another fine example of government stepping in and solving big problems."  Aw, she’s so caring.  Give me a break!  Key words:  “government stepping in”!  It is, after all, about growing the government folks.  It’s DA PLAN!
"So basically I'm being punished for not living in the ghetto," says Colin Blair, a white person from the affluent Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills. "I have three kids and a mortgage. Life isn't cheap for me either. I could use some free gasoline too."  See how it works guys?  What Colin should be sayin’ is, “This is America!  We have a Constitution!  Charities will take care of the poor.  They always have.”  But ol’ Colin is ready to get in line for the handouts.  After all, it’s free!  He isn’t concerned about CONSEQUENCES!
Yep, “FREE GAS”, just some more feed for the “sucker” tree!  Oh and for you lazy suckers, who depend on a “truth” site for your news, well guess what?  One of your all time favorites, Snopes, says that this is all true.
…and folks, once again, “This ain’t no crap!”  

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