Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I truly crack up when I hear news commentators talk about Obama and his “Gitmo Gang”.  Some say that he is just lousy at foreign affairs.  Others say that he wants to have peace in the Middle East.  Still others say that he wants to show the world that America is compassionate.  And then there are others who basically sat that he is just plain o’ nuts.  Of course there are many more comments and opinions regarding Obama’s decision and way too many to mention.

Yep, they all think they have him pegged, but every damn one of them are wrong and that ain’t no crap!  I don’t know if they are scared, confused, idiotic or just talkin’ to hear themselves talk, but either Obama has them all fooled or they are just too weak to come out with the truth.

Look guys, this is not jet engine difficult.  Obama gives over one billion dollars every single month to Muslims.  He has a Muslim name.  He had Muslim parents.  He went out of his way to study any thing and every thing he could find on Carl Marx and Saul Lewinsky.  He hung out with know drug dealers during college.  He has hidden all record of his citizenship, college transcripts, medical records, it is fact that he has had countless Social Security numbers, Osama Bin Laden was Muslim and Obama didn’t dare bring his body back to America (if there actually was a body), he covered up and is covering up Benghazi, he covered up and is covering up Fast and Furious, he help hide many voter violations by Acorn and other George Soros operations, he meets with Muslims almost daily, while virtually avoiding our allies, he consistently apologies for America and seldom praises her, he uses Executive Orders on things no other President would touch and there are countless other anti-American things he is attached to in one form or another.

Look folks, OBAMA IS RELEASING THOSE ANIMALS BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIM!  They are known enemies of America!  There are no “good intentions” here!  There is no compassion!  This is no foreign affair deal!  This is not meant to promote peace.  No sir!  It is meant to hurt America!  You have to be pretty naïve to think otherwise.  Ask yourself, “When was the last time Obama did anything to hurt Muslims?”  The answer is “none”!  Now ask yourself, “When was the last time Obama praised America and bragged on her to foreign countries?”  Again, the answer is “none”!  Obama is simply, once again, helping our enemy…the Muslims!

The truth will come out guys.  Obama is Muslim!  Obama is Communist!  Obama is a supreme racist!  Obama hates America!  Obama hates American white people!  Obama hates are flag and every thing it stands for!  And if we let him, Obama will destroy America as we know it and he will completely disband our Constitution!  The truth will come out!

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