Monday, April 28, 2014

Well nobody else will dare go there, so I will. The way I understand it, you got this basketball team owner that says he doesn't want an associate being with blacks and the entire media is in a total uproar. Last time I checked, in America, you can be or not be with whom you want. Now what if this guy said that he shouldn't be with an Irishman, or a German or an Australian. I wonder what we would've heard? I tell ya! We wouldn't of heard a damn thing! Do I think the guy is an idiot for sayin' it? Sure I do! But in America he is supposed to have a right too! I am so fed up with this color crap! I am an American! I am not a white, black, green, yelliow, red, or chartreuse American! I am just an American! But I guess some folks aren't Americans! No sir, they only define themselves by the tint of their skin. How shallow! Oh and just so you know it, there is NO SUCH THING as a black person, or white person or yellow person or red person! You need to study your colors! - John L Sulak

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