Sunday, February 3, 2013


How often have we watched on public television about the plight of the American Indian?  There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of specials on the hardships the Indians faced.  Oh, and do not forget the movies.  Almost all movies involving Indian history showed, in some form or fashion, how bad they were treated.  Books?  You bet!  Countless books showing the inhumane acts forced upon these people and the hardships they faced as a race, like the “Trail of Tears” for example.  The way the government treated the American Indian will always be a stain on our flag.  If only we could reverse history, but we cannot.
Then we move on to the American Black man, who was brought to America by force, by Frenchmen, Muslims, other black men and by Democratic politicians and businessmen.  Not one single standing Republican was involved in the slave trade, but we must move on.  There was no free will for the slaves.  They came here as slaves and the very laws our government passed allowed this slavery.  Regretfully, it was legal!  They were forced to work on the various plantations in the Southern states of America, which were controlled by the American white businessmen and politicians.  Yes indeed, our own government participated in this madness!  This too stains our beautiful flag!
Next, let’s get out of America for a moment a talk about the Jewish people of Nazi Germany.  Yes, they were all safe in their lil’ worlds.  They worked and owned businesses without a care in the world and then things changed!  The “people” of Germany didn’t change things.  No!  It was the government, which harped about making things even better for them that changed it.  Millions died!  Millions were displaced and millions fled from their cushy worlds.  All of this because a government got them under its thumb!  It became bigger than the people and the people no longer had control. 
Now we come to present day in America and folks have not learned a DAMN thing!  We still trust the Federal Government for our safety and welfare.  Are we all mad?  Have we all gone insane?
It’s funny how the movies, shows, new reports and books about the plight of the American Indian, American Black man, The Holocaust and the travesty of the Jews were done by the very media, which praises our government today.  Yep, they can put on some good stuff about how the government did these three groups of folks wrong, but they just do not learn from those outstanding sources!  In fact, the majority of  Indians, Blacks and Jews support the very government, which put them through their plights.  It is amazing.
Folks, regardless your political persuasions, you have to see that our government has gotten way too big.  Liberal or Conservative you have to see that the government is no longer of the people.  The “people” are weak now!  They have no voice!  Some still doubt it?  Well why, for the first time in our history does the government employ more people than private business does?  This is not good guys.  This is very dangerous.
Why is it that folks still want, no, actually deeply desire that they be taken care of by someone else?  Has Americans really become this lazy?  Are we really this passive?  Have we all lost any felling of independence?  Don’t we realize that once our “caretakers” have complete control of every aspect of our lives, we will actually become slaves to those caretakers?  Do you really want that?  Think about it.
America is truly divided and the division is exactly how the corrupt elite of our world want it.  Black against white, white against black, Liberal against Conservative, Patriot against Progressive is where our divisions are and it should not be.   Out division should be THE AMERICAN PEOPLE against the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!  If we can get an uncorrupt government, we can all compromise as to what we, the majority, all want, but as long as the corrupt, the “all-knowing”, the race baiters and the bitterness controls and divides us we are lost.
Our country was formed as “The United States of America!  It was not formed as the United Federal Government of America!  The key word is “States”!  The founders gave the States the power and we must get this power back!  Work with you State and local official and quit giving the Federal Government ammunition to use against you!  “Call you Congressman”, is a thing of the past!  They quit listening and/or responding “honestly” long ago!
EPILOGUE: You lil' punk in our house, you insignificant lil' flea, you cannot defeat me! I am backed by a fella, who had spikes driven in both hands and feet, then he was hung on timbers and the only thing holding him up were those spikes, then he was stabbed and given up for dead, then he was entombed, then he walked out of that tomb and ascended up into the sky and after all of that he still lives today! Yes, this is my backing! What's yours? George Soros? I am laughing whole-heartily right now! How small you really are you lil' arrogant imposter! Oh yeah, and if you think this fella backing me is something, I just can't wait 'til you meet his father! Good luck, you're gonna need it!

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