Saturday, December 10, 2011


First of all, you shouldn't be allowed to vote if you have never paid any taxes and/or filed a tax return!  Second, if you are on food stamps...NO VOTE!  

The only reason ANYONE would not want a voter identification card is because they favor voter corruption!  Jesse Jackson, you can stick that one where the sun don't shine and Sharpton you can get in line!  Mark this writer's words, if we do not have a handle on voter fraud by election time, the lil' impostor, B. Hussein Obama, WILL BE your next leader!

LINK:  Protesters March To UN In "Stand For Freedom" - "“If successful, these laws would disenfranchise well over five million voters. That's more people than live in Manhattan, Bronx, and, I think, Staten Island put together, and that's not what democracy should be about,” said Donna Lieberman of the New York Civil Liberties Union."

RECITATION: "I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a Muslim, believer of the Quran! They are my ENEMY and I DO NOT recognize their beliefs in Islam to be a RELIGION, and I never will! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!

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