Thursday, October 6, 2011


Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama!  If you are not a Muslim, then why, at an Islamic dinner, full of Muslim guests, did you say, “I am one of you.”  Why, did you, on an ABC news program make the reference, “My Muslim faith…”, if you are not a Muslim?  If you are not a Muslim, then why did you give over one hundred million dollars in order to help Muslims build foreign mosques?  Oh, and that was with American taxpayer money, I might add.  Might add?  Hell, I just did add it!

Let’s move on.  This is getting’ juicy!  Mr. Hussein Obama, if you are not a Muslim, then why sir, did you write in your book, in you own words, “They (Muslims) have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”  

Hussein!  Why on earth, did you tell the Egyptian Foreign Minister that, “I am Muslim.”, if in fact, you are not a Muslim?  Hello, Hussein, are you there?  It’s a simple question.  Moreover, if you are not a Muslim, then why did you bow to a Muslim Saudi King?  Oh, and Hussein, save your breath, we don’t buy the whole, “you’re tall, he’s short thing”, okay!  Oh, and hot rod, you claim to be Christian, right?  Well tell me this sunshine, if you are Christian, then why did you attend a Liberation Theology Church, which condemns Christianity and promotes Marxism, for over twenty years?  Hey, there is more guys!  This is stuff, which we need to remember and share.  I’m just getting started.

Now, tell me if I’m wrong, Lil’ Hussein, but didn’t you exempt Muslims from your “Destruction Plan” called Obamacare and leave the rest of us to be stuck with your nightmare?  Yes, I believe it was you!  Hey, and was it you, who purposefully and knowingly removed the words, “endowed by your creator” from your reciting of our Declaration of Independence?  You know it was, sucker!  Oh, and while we’re speaking of Our Creator, if you are not a Muslim, then why did you repeatedly mock The Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, while constantly referring to the Quran?  Explain yourself, impostor!

You apologized, apologized and apologized some more, for America, as you toured the Islamic world.  Why would you degrade your country so much, if you are not Muslim?  Do you hate America that much?  Are you hell bent on putting us under?  What did we do to you?  Okay Sulak, you’re getting off course.  Let’s stick with the program.  Hussein, if you are not Muslim, then why did you support the mosque at ground zero?  If you are not Muslim, why did you refuse to attend an American National Prayer breakfast, but couldn’t wait to take your seat at an Islamic prayer breakfast, which you held in Our House, the White House?  If you are not Muslim, then why did you cover things of Jesus, at both Georgetown and Notre Dame, before you would agree to speak there?  However, you did not cover anything in the many mosques you have visited!  Oh yeah, we know you, sucker!

Moving on!  Why would you surround yourself with Muslims, anti-Christians and Communist, if you did not favor these things?  I mean, you even put a Muslim in The Department of Homeland Security!  No real Christian or Jew in their right mind would do this.  Hello, didn’t Muslims kill over 3500 hundred of us in 2010 besides those killed on 911?  Oh, and didn’t Hitler use the word “Homeland” quite a bit?  Hey, and if you are not a Muslim, then why did you say that it was NASA’s “foremost mission” to reach out to Muslim communities?  I didn’t know that we had Muslim communities on the moon!

Lil’ Impostor, as an Illinois Senator, you alone defended infanticide!  In the whole dang Senate, you were the only one who defended and promoted this!  Ha, bet you thought we forgot about this one?  We didn’t!  Folks, I had to look it up, so just in case some of y’all are as dumb as me, let me give you the definition of infanticide.  This is right out of Webster’s.  Infanticide is the killing of infants!  What Christian or Jew would do this?  Hey, but Muslims would and they do!  Especially remember this one guys!  In fact, Lil’ Hussein, you stood out in many non-Christian ways in your infamous career.  Yep, like being the very first President to NOT give a Christmas greeting from the White House and yet you and darlin’ Michelle did find time to hang ornaments of the mass murderer and Chinese Communist, Mao, on the Christmas tree.  Wow, what a good Christian sentiment!

Yep, there is still more!  Hussein Obama stopped military tribunals of Muslims, refused to condemn the wacko at Fort Hood, who took our folks down!  He never condemned the Muslim killing and maiming of women, but turned Arizona over to the UN for human rights violations!  He praised Islam in India, while speaking there!  He sent nine hundred million dollars of our money to Hamas!  He ordered our British Embassy to help “empower” the Muslims in England!  He embraced the Muslim Brotherhood in order to get rid of Mubarak in Egypt!  He made mandatory, in our schools, Muslim language and culture courses and he does not wear jewelry during Muslim Ramadan!  In addition, during Christmas, he and wifey go to Hawaii and gorge themselves with lobster, so they didn’t have to participate in any Christian events!

Barrack Hussein Obama, you lil’ impostor, you bag of wind, you con of con’s we have your number!  Now we are just trying to figure out a way to ring it up!  And make no mistake about it, WE WILL FIND A WAY!   

Once again, your contributions are very well appreciated, Mr. Chamberlain.     


"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!

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