Friday, September 23, 2011


Let me ask ya, “How’s your Chinese?”  No sir, I wish it were, but this ain’t no joke!  The FACTS are so bad, that you may not even want to read this.  I know when I went through the material; I couldn’t decide to get my gun and take real action or just kneel down and bawl.  Of course, my good conscience got the better of me and I just prayed.  However, I am ready to move on a moments notice.  Man, if folks would really see and understand how really bad our situation is here in America!  I sure hope this helps and please share.

Thanks to our greedy politicians over the last seventy years and especially, Barrack Hussein Obama, the Chinese have become quite well off, by selling us their cheap and poisonous goods.  In fact, China is now the WORLD LEADER in net trade in goods and services, plus net earnings from rents, interest, profits, and dividends, and net transfer payments to and from the rest of the world during 2010.  America is holding the 196th position in these categories!  196th guys!  Even Libya, Iran, Saudi Arabia and yes, even Mexico beats us in this!  Yes, it’s that bad! 

Now, the sly and greedy Chinese leaders are stretching their slimy tentacles here.  You betcha!  Right here in America!  They are buying up land here and setting that land up as “special economic zones”.  Inside the zone will exist the Chinese government.  In addition, it is my understanding it will operate without U S law.  Kinda like the Muslim’s sharia!  You startin’ to add this up?  God I hope so!  

These zones will act as hubs, from which they can extend their taking over of America, by buying additional surrounding lands.  Oh, and let me throw this in.  These zones or proposed zones are all located near major airports…huh!  These SEZ’S are really “arms” of the Chinese government!  This is real guys!  They are in the open about this!  They are beginning to control America and our government is in on it!  You folks in Boise, Idaho get ready!  The Chinese will be buying your land next and your local government is catering to their every whim!  Wake up, Boise!

Any time you here the company, “SINOMACH”, in your area, get ready because you are about to be invaded by the Chinese!  Sinomach plans to construct a "technology zone" south of Boise Airport that would ultimately be up to 50 square miles in size.  The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre "self-sustaining city" that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government.  Not you Boise!  The Chinese!  Hey, they are even going to bring Chinese workers over here and build them homes.  Obama just loves this and that sucker ain’t doing one thing to stop it!

With approval of the State Council, China National Machinery Industry Corporation (SINOMACH) was established in January 1997. SINO-MACH is a large scale, Chinese, state-owned enterprise group under the supervision of the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Once again, basically an arm of the Chinese government.  Sinomach has recently dispatched delegations to Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania to explore the possibility of establishing "special economic zones" in those states.

If Americans do not stop this, we will see these "self-contained communities" soon start appearing from coast to coast?  According to Dr. Jerome Corsi, the U.S. government has already set up 257 "foreign trade zones" across America.  247!  These "foreign trade zones" will apparently be given "special U.S. customs treatment" and are supposedly will be used to promote global free trade.  Yeah right!  You buyin’ that?  Obama and his crew are sure hoping you do!

Folks, you should be very aware of any politicians, who are in favor of this.  Like Idaho Lt. Gov. Brad Little, who said, "Idaho’s the last state that should say we don’t want to do business with Asia. Asia’s where the money is." Or how ‘bout ol’ Idaho Commerce Secretary Don Dietrich, who said, “The Chinese are looking for a beachhead in the United States, and Idaho is ready to give them one." In fact, the majority of Democrats are for this and a few Republicans.  Please wake up and share this!

Remember, these zones will be employing “illegal” Chinese immigrants, so the likelihood of any job increase for American will be almost irrelevant.  Watch out for politicians touting this Un-Constitutional farce as a job increase undertaking.  It is not!  Just like Islam is a peaceful religion only if, you are a Muslim, so is this only for Chinese.  In fact, both are a take-over of America pure and simple!  These zones can even have unlimited, amounts of military equipment virtually undetected.  In the days of the Cold War, we would have never dreamed of giving the Russians a 50 square mile city in the middle of Idaho.  If relations between the U.S. and China go south someday, and I predict they will, we will deeply regret giving China so many STRONG HOLDS in our country.  Given the real truth, you can never fully trust the Chinese.  Their top military officers talk about a coming conflict with America all the time.  China wants America!  Believe otherwise and you are very naïve!  

Did you know that the Chinese and Mexican leaders have been holding talks on military cooperation?  Oh, and they’re not secret talks either!  Since Obama, all of our enemies have become empowered and arrogant!  They are planning and we are trying to elect the one, who is going to screw us next!

We are being invaded!  Quietly, secretly, gradually, we are giving up America!  We are just handing it over to the Chinese and the Muslims.  The politicians WILL NOT help you!  Obama, laugh out loud, WILL NOT help you!  All this is going on and about half of folks in America just don’t care!  They certainly WILL NOT help you!  Yep, everything is changing and nothing is ever going to be the same again, unless we REVERSE this.  Hey, don’t take my word for it, just ask the folks in Boise, Idaho.  They’re gonna have a 50 square mile self-contained communist Chinese city, under Chinese communist laws, plopped right into their backyard!  

I’m sorry America.  We are letting you down.  If we let this continue, we only have ourselves to blame for being duped!







"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!

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