Sunday, September 11, 2011


Thursday, June 18, 2009


This is gonna be another "quick hitter" 'cause they are slippin' so much past us that it's hard to keep track of what all th' lil' boogers are doing.
I've just got to start with this beaut'! PETA (Punks Enjoying The Attention) is complaining about fish markets or vets throwing fish! No, not LIVE fish, but DEAD fish. Do these wackos really need attention,THAT MUCH? Heck, in Texas, they got a thing called a "sail cat", as descried by the late Jonathan Winters. You see when a cat is run over on the highway it just lays there for days. More cars and trucks keep runnin' over the dang thing. It gets flatter and flatter and dryer and dryer. Finally, some kid will go out there and peel this flat, dead, carcass off the highway, then fling it, like a Frisbee, across a corn field, just to see how far it will go. You know, a "sail cat"! Oh, get over yourself! The thing is dead and the "flingers" are cleaning the roadway. Good gosh! I guess it don't bother ya when a buch of buzzards eat on it all day, huh?
Here's another. As a native Texan, well, I've always been pretty proud of our state, but boy, even th' politicians, here, are pullin' a fast one. I guess all these guys are learnin' from Hussein. Anyway, they got a piece of junk, they call legislation, which will allow th' local government to just confiscate your child wherever they are (your home, school, park, backyard, etc.) without notice, without a hearing, or without a warrant. In fact, the only thing LEGALLY required is anything that is and I quote, "based on information available". Can you imagine what's gonna happen once this is passed? Let's see, one of your neighbors and you have an argument on, oh, th' type of flowers you are plantin' in your flower beds. She gets upset and calls the Social Services and states that she's concerned about your kiddos. She does not leave her name. Well, all of a sudden your children are missin'! You frantically call th' cops only to find out that, "based on the information available", they are being held until further notice. Huh? What just happened here? Can you begin to hear th' BOOTS? Can you hear them marching? Are they gettin louder and louder?
Hey PATRIOTS! You fighters of freedom! You folks that do not "ride fences"! You folks that just love your TRADITIONAL America and want it back. Well, don't give up and keep on fightin' 'cause now,over 49% of Americans believe that Hussein should make public his REAL birth certificate and other documents that we, as citizens, are required to provide and usually, willingly do so, without question. 49%! That means that almost 175 million folks question his birthplace. That's a lot of folks! Now put that on your buttered toast and eat it Mr. Hussein O.!
Now, even in his OWN words Ol' Barrack Obama, or Barry Obama, or Barry Soetoro, or Bat Man, or The Wizard of Oz, or whatever name he chooses at this time, neither one of his "parents" was an American citizen. Th' saint of a man, Barack Obama Sr., his daddy, was a foreigner from Kenya and his mommy Stanley Ann Dunham, was just too young to have even qualified, under the law, for giving citizenship to her son, even if papa had been a citizen and even if Ol' Whoever was actually born in Hawaii! So, taking Barrack Obama and/or Barry Soetoro his word, he is not a natural born citizen and not eligible to serve as president. Find out more at

I must move on. This one is a doozy! Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put, on our 2009 1040 Federal Income Tax form ALL GUNS that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun. This "RAG" was introduced on February 24. Now here's the kicker! It WILL NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT become public knowledge until 30 days AFTER it is voted into law. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can pass this with just their rubber stamp! The Senate, supposedly, our reps, cannot dispute it or even vote on it! And Obama sings: Th' boots are comin' your way my comrades, Hurrah, Hurrah! My boots are comin' your way, you unaware, Hurrah! Hurrah! Anyway, you can look at this piece of, okay I'll bite my lip, dung at Just search by the bill number, SB-2099.
This one will get ya going, "HUH". Yeah, that cute lil', mousy, booger Harry, follow Nancy around, Reid actually came up with one on his own and it will curl your big toes. You see, he thinks that America needs more foreign tourists. Of course, you know that he represents Las Vegas, Lofland, and Reno, and th' rest of Nevada. Coincidence? Anyway, this piece of junk, S.1023, would create a "non-profit" corporation. Don't you just love it when you hear that phrase "non-profit" comin' from a G-Man? Makes ya all warm and tingly inside, don't it? This NON-PROFIT CORPORATION will only cost you and me $10 million to start with and then another $100 million annually. Dang honey, the bills are stackin' up, I can't hardly afford to drive, the kiddos need some new school clothes, you have that dang tooth that's been bothering you for two years now, but boy am I glad that OL' UNCLE HARRY is getting' more foreign tourist over here. He sure is a watchin' our back honey. Now, pass me a piece of that baloney.
This is gonna be my last one today. You know, during Vietnam I was a sailor and I heard a lot of stories 'bout war prisoners. You see, our boys would capture the ENEMY and a couple of weeks later they'd be capturin' the same prisoner, after he usually killed a soldier. Well, the thing is, they'd capture 'em and then due to some bureaucrat's views, they'd be freed. And this began to take place on a regular basis. Boys were getting' killed, they'd capture th' shooter, he'd be released, and they'd capture him again and again and so on and so on and so on. Well you know what we always say in America? "Necessity is the mother of invention." Well a lot of th' boys decided they weren't gonna be no more prisoners. At least, not if they were caught killin' or woundin' our boys. No sir, some how the number of th' ENEMY, that were KIA, that's killed in action, started to INCREASE and the number of prisoners started to DECLINE. Imagine that? Of, course, these were just stories I heard that were passed around again and again, so th' details may have got scrabbled a bit. I just hope that some of our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan have heard some of th' same stories. You know, just for history's sake.
Now th' reason for this set up is this. Jose Padilla, a CONVICTED TERRORIST, can now sue the UNITED STATES PROSECUTOR, according to a SAN FRANCISCO judge (Jeffrey White). The reason he can sue the prosecutor is 'cause th' poor lil' baby had received AUTHORIZED torture. Water up th' nose? Heck, I voluntarily flood my nostrils ever mornin' with saline water. It's an old Indian thing. It gives ya a drownin' sensation, but no big deal. Now a REAL American is gonna be sued by a CONVICTED TERRORIST. Wow! See what I mean about th' "KILLED IN ACTION" thing? Just a thought from a story I had heard years ago. Get more info here:
Okay, there you have some more "quick hitter" opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.

"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!

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