Sunday, August 21, 2011


Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on raising the debt ceiling?

He threatened to not pay: Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees, Social Security disability and Federal Retirees.

He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens

He did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access away from violent inmates

He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he hired

He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting around and lavish birthday parties

He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of their staff

He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients

He did not threaten the food stamp programs

He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid

He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters 

Did you notice that we have a spoiled rotten, arrogant, lil' punk in our White House?
 "I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!

1 comment:

  1. You know, there's another thing that's putting a rash all over both acres of my butt.

    If I get behind on a loan 'cause I've been ate-up with taxes, for some strange reason I get the most amazing looks if I go up to Lord High Bank Manager and ask to borrow more money to make the payment on my loan.

    You should see the veins pulse all over that Bank Manager's eyeballs when I ask him to bump up the loan a little while he is at it so I can help my neighbors and some folks across town make their house payments too.

    I mean, the Gubmitt does that, right? Like there's no tomorrow, especially for the last few years, seems like to me. What I was told in school growin' up was that the Gubmitt is We the People - which partly means ME!

    I was raised to keep my word, mind my own business, be real friendly, and stay outta debt. So was just about everyone I know around these parts.

    Seems like lately, fer the last half century or so, the Gubmitt is the opposite of We The People - 'specially this here part of 'em.


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.