Sunday, July 31, 2011


Yes, there is a great, new, wonderful opportunity, but here's the catch. You have to be willing to "freeze" all of your business income and assets. These will be put into one account/trust for a period of two years, after you leave your job. You must be willing to live solely off of your salary. You must work, at least, eight hours a day, five days a week. You will turn in a weekly expense report with complete documentation. Your expenses must pertain solely to your job (no fudging). You will be allowed only one bank account and one savings account while holding your position. You will not be able to attend any meetings and/or other business functions that do not have to do with your job. Your bank account and expense reports will be audited by a independent private firm, on a quarterly basis. You will receive a three week vacation each year. You cannot receive any gifts, of any form, from anyone other than blood relatives. These things will help insure your honesty and integrity while on the job. Now, of course, the details of this job must be worked out, by an independent group of business people numbering, at least, twenty and from different fields, but I think you get the just of what you are in for.

Okay, you are probably wondering what you might get in return if you accept this job. You will get a lot! You will get to serve the greatest country on the face of the earth. You will get to be a representative of all the people of America. You will be able to actually do what the majority wants done. You will be looked upon with true respect. You will be able to hold your head high knowing that you served with dignity, integrity, and honesty. It would be the greatest position in the world.

So can you do this? Can you give up virtually all that you currently have, both now and in the future? This is what it takes to be a Senator! This is what it takes to be a Representative! This is what it takes to be a Congressman! Can you do it? I know I can! And I know a lot of folks smarter than me that would do it too. Why? It is simple really. You see without this country we loose freedom and freedom is far to important to be bought and sold! It is to be cherished and protected by true Americans, not by cheats and thugs!

Anyway, this give you any ideas folks? I know that I am not the guy to work out the complete details, but you see my thought process. I mean, just yesterday MR. Obama stated that CEO's be limited to five hundred thousand per year. Evidently he likes my thinking too. So why not apply the same principles to our guardians of our laws, and taxes? You know our DC reps? The whole idea here is to make being honest easy! We desperately need to make being dishonest hard. Very hard! I mean think of our current corrupt millionaire politicians now, with all their "side" deals, law breaking, and conflicts of interest. It's very easy to get away with. This would virtually eliminate all of that. No more wondering if they are truly working for you. They would no longer be able to get "IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION" and believe me that's what they are looking for! The greed, power, ego, hatred, and elitist equation would literally be gone. Man wouldn't that be sweet!

Yeah, it's me again, THE DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY with a few opinions trying to save our country (and yes, it needs saving)!

Oh, and I encourage those truly good ol' boys and gals out there to APPLY NOW! And if anyone out there knows a step by step process on how an average Mary or Joe can run for office, please pass it on. Folks need to know how to do this over and over again until it becomes common place. We need to pass the POLITICAL TORCH from the ELITE FEW, to the HARD WORKING MANY!


  1. Great idea. You need to start spell-checking your posts. It is lose not loose.

  2. John,

    There is a process for enabling the average citizen to run for office. Not only is the system setup and ready to go, the system will also fund the campaigns. Go check out Get Out Of Our House at It is a non-partisan plan to remove the career politicians from the House of Representatives and replace them with citizen legislators. Go to and Learn more.

  3. I could do it too! Just wish those who represent us did this, then maybe I would have some respect for them instead of none.

  4. - Anonymous 7-31-2011 @ 5:05 - maybe you should be more concerned with what is going on around you instead of looking for my errors? Very picky. Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy means that I might make a few errors. LOL!

  5. - Steve - I dropped my membership with GOOOH yesterday. They now promote attorneys as candidates and that is completely against my principles. Even the "original" Constitution banned attorneys from holding Federal office. In 1986 that ban was secretly removed from the document. The founders even knew that attorneys in office was a problem. Oh, and that same ban also prohibited any gifts and/or donations to Federal office holders. The penalty if this was broken: LOSS OF CITIZENSHIP!

  6. - Sue - once again you see the big picture.


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.