Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Virtually every single person in Congress, let alone the media, has stated that Barrack Hussein Obama is doing things in direct violation of our Constitution!  This has been going on for years now.  So folks, where are the charges!  Whether you believe it or not, THEY CAN FILE CHARGES AGAINST A SETTING PRESIDENT!  What are these so-called public servants and representative of THE PEOPLE doing in that regard?  Nothing!  Absolutely nothing, that’s what they are doing!  Ha, and this government body wonders why their precious approval rating is so low.  What we have in our Congress today is a bunch of weak-kneed whiners, who probably couldn’t pop a pimple on their rear end without shedding a few tears!  It makes this patriot sick to his stomach!

Here we have this lil’ skinny punk, who pops up out of thin air and without knowing ANYTHING of importance about him, he becomes President.  Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democrats broke every law in the book by not vetting him and there was no justice handed down filed!   The lil’ punk jumped around our Constitution again, when he gave away our money to banks, insurance companies and car companies, on what some termed a stimulus of a bailout and there was no justice handed down!  He ignored our Constitution, when he brought in his MANDATORY health care plan and there was no justice handed down!   He gave away our money to many of the most unscrupulous organizations on the planet, like TIDES, ACORN, MOVE-ON, SEIU, MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, CAIR and countless others and there was no justice handed down!  Our Constitution was not even considered when he gave away our money to George Soros and Petrobras and there was still no justice handed down!  Oh, by the way, Petrobras is announcing record-breaking profits, have you received your dividend check?

The act, which probably gets my goat (appropriate) the most is that this lil’ punk, with our money, brought in hundreds of thousands of muslims, made them “automatic” citizens, set them up financially and to this day, there has been no justice handed down!  Oh yeah, and he has given BILLIONS of our dough to every muslim country on the globe and there has been no justice handed down!

Now, after all of this, our, in my opinion, completely inept Congress may be handing this Constitutional lawbreaker, this nobody, this foreigner, his GRAND PRIZE!  Are you ready for this?  Congress is going to vote on whether or not to declare World War III (permanent war) and give Obama unlimited and dictatorial authority to declare war on any country, entity or individual he deems necessary (Section 1034, deep inside the National Defense Authorization Act - HB 1570 and also S679).  Congress is using Al-Queda and the Taliban as their trigger points, but make no mistake; every single patriotic conservative in the world should fear this legislation!  Here is the exact wording:

Congress affirms that —
(1) the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the United States and its citizens, both domestically and abroad;
(2) the President has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note);

(3) the current armed conflict includes nations, organization, and persons who—
(A) are part of, or are substantially supporting, alQaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or
(B) have engaged in hostilities or have directly supported hostilities in aid of a nation, organization, or person described in subparagraph (A); and
(4) the President’s authority pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority to detain belligerents, including persons described in paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities.

We have given the lil’ unknown lawbreaker too much power for far too long!  Now, although I am more determined than ever to WIN, I feel that we are at a disadvantage.  I do not want to even imagine what the world will be like if this legislation passes.  Every citizen who loves America and the Constitution will have to literally, fear for their lives.  Our own military could be knocking on our doors.  We could the distinct possibility of being under arrest, killed, imprisoned and/or even separated from our loved ones.  Yes guys, it is this serious!  Those who know me, know that I am no KOOK! 

"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

 Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK 

 ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. I agree with you and appreciate your post.

  2. Brother John, I am a Christian American Patriot like yourself. I like & agree with all you had to say. If this legislation passes, Obama should be arrested immediately for the sheer fact that he has already violated several of the statutes by all of the financial and military support he has provided for every Muslim country that promotes terrorism and harbors terrorists. Fred F.

  3. Thank you bgcroft. I appreciate you too.

  4. Well fdfargher, at least you are on the right side and that is a good place to be. Thanks for your confirmation and your comment.

  5. ANN - We, me and you, ain't sittin' sugar. We are doing everything we can, in our own way, to try to get ALL the patriots to UNITE under one banner. "REMOVING OBAMA AND THE DEAD BEATS IN CONGRESS!"

  6. I wish I could comprehend why Congress is allowing these things to happen! Do they really think the American people or that stupid?!?!
    May God help us all!!!

  7. Sue - they think we are morons! The shame of it is, that over 50% of the public are either brainwashed or uninterested. This feeds the corruption in Washington.

  8. As usual, i agree with you that we are looking at some harder times.

  9. - TOM - Yes and it is sad because it could all be solved happily for every single American citizen, if it weren't for the greedy lil' fingers in our government and the elite, who are in control.


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