Friday, April 15, 2011


Over 95% of the black citizens in America voted for Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama.  Think about that for a minute.  Virtually an ENTIRE race of people voted for one man.  95%!  That is truly amazing.  It really is.  Surely, there were some very lofty hopes riding on the election.  The black people in America had to be relying on this one individual to give them what they wanted.  They certainly put all their hopes, dreams and aspirations into one tiny Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama basket. So, as a race, how did they come out with Obama?  Well, regretfully, the FACTS do not lie.  Oh yes, there will be places shown at the bottom of this article to prove the facts.  Don’t ignore them!  RESEARCH THEM!  Don’t call the messenger names.  RESEARCH THEM!  Don’t get chapped.  Get determined to RESEARCH THEM!

Let me make one very strong point here.  I am singling out our black citizens to make a point!  It is a point, which needs to be made, but most are too afraid to touch the subject.  I’m not!  Obama, a self-professed black man has severely lied to his people of color.  He promised them the moon and delivered them mud!  He talked about spreading the wealth and he has spread the poverty!  He promised them transparency and used them to cover up atrocities like Acorn and SEIU!  He promised them free healthcare and has laid upon them a financial burden that not even their children’s children will recover from.  He promised them wealth and prosperity and as given them a debt bigger than any in the history of mankind!  

Did you know that in January 2009, the month Obama took over, that the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.83?  Today, still under Obama, that same gallon of gas costs $3.70.  Did you know that your gasoline budget, in just a lil’ over two years, went up over 79%?   Ask yourself, “Is this helping the black people?”  Heck, is it helping anyone?  I think not.  If you are a black American, are you really going to vote for Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama again?

What about jobs?  Just taking the black citizens of America, unemployment for them was a whopping 12.6%.  Yes, that is what George Bush left you, but what did Obama do?  Decrease it?  It should have been easy with a figure like 12.6%.  I mean, there was plenty of room for improvement!  No, Obama, not even after all the promises, increased it to 15.8%!  Now that is SEVERE unemployment guys!  This means that since Obama has taken over there are over 25% more black people out of work!  25%!  That figure hurts ALL RACES!  If you are a black American, are you really going to vote for Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama again?

Of course, we all have to eat and many of our foods contain corn, soybeans or sugar.  Did Obama reduce the costs of these goods?  What do you think?  Not only did they increase, but the increased substantially.  In fact, just counting the two years and two months that Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama has reigned over us, these good went up an average of 105%!  More than double!  Did he really help the black American citizens as promised?  Of course not!  If you are a black American, are you really going to vote for Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama again?

Here are a few more FACTS that we have under Obama’s rule:
                                                                                                JAN 2009                   TODAY
Real median household income                                         $50,112                       $49,777
Number of food stamp recipients                                       31,983,716                  43,200,878
Number of unemployed                                                       11,616,000                  14,485,000
Number of unemployment benefit recipients                   7,526,598                    9,193,838
Poverty rate                                                                          13.2%                           14.3%

In fact, in virtually every category of REAL economic measurement, Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama, has made it worse on every single RACE of American people except muslims!  Muslims are his people!  He has certainly proved that black people are not!  He has coddled muslims at every turn!  He has given billions of our black people’s tax dollars to the oil rich Middle East.  He has funded so-called muslim refugees for residence in the United States.  He has allowed muslims to cross our borders!  No sir, if I were black, I would never believe what Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama had to say again!  Just like he does the whites, Hispanics, Jews, Catholics, Japanese, Vietnamese, and all other races in America, except muslim, so to does he want the black people to fail!  He will eventually turn on the muslims too, but they are playing this cat and mouse game right now thinking they are using one another.

SOURCES:  (1) U.S. Energy Information Administration;  (2) Wall Street Journal;  (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics;  (4) Census Bureau;  5) USDA;  (6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;  (7) FHFA;  (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller;  (9) RealtyTrac;  (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ;  (11) The Conference Board;  (12) FDIC;  (13) Federal Reserve;  (14) U.S. Treasury
"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK 

...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!

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