Wednesday, April 20, 2011


You laughing?  Well stop!  This is very important!  I mean very important!  Do you realize that when politicians talk about debt and deficit, it is two different things?  Always pay attention to the “debt” part of the conversation.  A bell, firecrackers, cannon fire, or an explosion should go off in your ears when you hear a politician, regardless their affiliation, mention the word “deficit” because they are trying to “SNOW” you!  The debt is our problem!  Right now!  Today!  This very minute!  If we (The Government) stopped all spending, I said ALL spending, and we started paying one hundred million dollars per day towards our debt, it would take three hundred and eighty-nine years to pay off.  389!  Did you really let that figure soak in?  It’s 389 years to pay off!  Hello kiddos, he is what we left you!  Hello grandkids look what grandpa and grandpa left you!  This is ridiculous!  

America has given and given and give and given to the rest of the world during our entire history.  Now, thanks to the socialist AGENDA of Soros and Obama, we have given more than we ever have in the history of our country.  MOREOVER, Obama has done this “giving” knowing, full well, that we are headed FOR bankruptcy, and even worse, CONFISCATION by China!

Please, please, watch the video, which I have attached to this article.  It is my humble opinion that we need to tell China, Russia and the Middle East, to CRAM IT!  It is our time.  We will keep our money and rebuild and don’t you dare try to threaten us again!  We are AMERICA and yes, we do CARRY A BIG STICK!  We are calling in our markers…RIGHT NOW!

Please share this with everyone you know.  The “WASHINGTON SNOW JOB” has got to come to an end!  Oh, and be sure that all your friends in law enforcement, the armed services and all other government enities, see this too.  Washington is secretly snowing them also.

"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.””

-- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. You are so right about the debt, but the "official" debt is so much less than the "real" debt because of off budget items. We need to cut spending now and force Congress to account for all of the money being spent, not just what is in the budget.

  2. You are preachin' to the choir, but please, don't stop preachin'. It is a shame that so many with power want our country and even worse, our God, put under. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!


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