Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today I got me a letter from an ol’ fella named David Plouffe.  “Plouffe”?  Where did he get that handle?  Sounds like something those French folks might have for dinner.  Anyway, David works for Obama.  Yeah, his title is Senior Advisor to the President, or SAP!  Now SAP kinda did a lot of double and triple talkin’ to make his boy look good. Now, just for fun, I’m gonna try to break this down into “Dumb Boy” language.

IN THE 1st  PARAGRAPH:  SAP starts by asking, “Surprised at how much it cost last time you filled up your gas tank?” 

Is he kiddin’?  Where has he been for the last two years?  No, we ain’t surprised SAP!  We are pissed off!  Yes, I said pissed off!  I don’t often do this unless, well, unless I am pissed off and I am.  SAP, you act like the prices were twenty-five cents a gallon yesterday and now they are four bucks!  Now that would be surprising, you moron.

IN THE 2nd  PARAGRAPH:  Here is what SAP says, “Here's the thing: as long as our economy relies on oil and as demand in countries like China and India continues to grow, we'll be subject to these kinds of spikes in gas prices. 

Now guys, what SAP is really saying is that as long as his wonderful socialistic boss is in charge prices will go up!  It has nothing to do with China and India.  It has everything to do with Obama being muslim and socialist.  He is determined to bring America down.  Why else would he stop drilling in the Gulf and Alaska?  Why else would he not let us tap into our huge oil deposits in the Northern Plains?

IN THE 3rd  PARAGRAPH:  This is the one that really makes me slap my knee.  SAP proclaims, “We've been down this road before -- just three years ago, gas prices rose to their highest level ever.”  Three years ago?  Hmm.  Wasn’t Bush President then?  SAP is blaming Bush!  He is taking away attention from his lying boss!  No wonder he is a SAP!

IN THE 4th  PARAGRAPH:  SAP continues, “…And today, Americans pay a price for that inaction (on green) every time they fill up their tanks.” 

Once again, SAP his blaming past administrations for their INACTION!  He means inaction on “green” stuff.  Obama is the only one who has brought drilling to virtually a standstill.

IN THE 5TH PARAGRAPH:  SAP continues his flim flam show, “By 2025 -- a little more than a decade from now -- we will have cut that reliance (on foreign oil) by one-third.”

This one is easy.  Wanna know why reliance will be cut?  Dah!  It is because we will be in a pre-third world country!  We will be broke!  We will not be able to use a car much less by gas!  He will use his “green” agenda to fool the masses and break us.  It’s in the PLAN!

IN THE 6TH PARAGRAPH:  Just some braggin’ ‘bout his boy’s plan.

IN THE 7TH PARAGRAPH:  SAP outlines his boy’s plan.  “And, because we can't just drill our way out of this crisis, we're reducing our dependence on oil by increasing fuel efficiency and increasing our production of natural gas and biofuels.” 

More “green” stuff and he don’t care if we go broke on the way to this or not, in fact, that is the purpose.

IN THE 8TH PARAGRAPH:  More “green” stuff:  “…the Obama Administration established a groundbreaking national fuel efficiency standard for cars and trucks that will save us 1.8 billion barrels of oil and save consumers thousands of dollars. We're also making investments in electric vehicles and the advanced batteries that power them to ensure that high-quality, fuel-efficient cars and trucks are built right here in America.”

Just more of his stupid stimulus!  This means that there will be GPS indicators and other gadgets installed so they can track everyone’s driving habits.  Yeah right!  It means there will be more ways to track you!

IN THE 9TH PARAGRAPH:  SAP just throws out some more “masks”, “…by 2035, 80 percent of our electricity should come from clean energy sources including renewables like wind and solar, nuclear energy, efficient natural gas, and clean coal.”

Wanna bet against the fact that his backers have investments in these?  Well do ya?  Give me a break!  Hitler used environment, unions and  economy too.  How’d that work out for my friends the Jews?

IN THE 10TH PARAGRAPGH:  And SAP starts his “close”, “In order to make this happen, Republicans and Democrats in Congress must find common ground for a responsible and effective energy policy.”

Did you notice how the SAP left the people out?  This is the way these minions of George Soros and Obama are.  The government is SUPREME!  The folks are nothing but workers.  Sound socialistic?  You bet it does!  Oh, and any Democrat or Republican who REALLY loves the country and the people should distance themselves from SAP’S boy!

THE LAST PARAGRAPH:  SAP closes by pulling the ol’ “kiddos” string on ya, “we can all agree that the United States simply can't afford to leave this challenge for future generations to solve.”

There is no challenge.  All we have to do is open up the drilling, quit apologizing to muslim countries, change the “money motivated” election process, keep the military strong and dare anyone to jack with us again!   Oh shut up!  Yes it is really that simple!

Yeah them ol’ progressives can lay it on pretty thick, but PATRIOTS can lay HONESTY on pretty thick too and a heck of a lot thicker than SAP!

You can read the letter here if your stomach can handle it:

"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK 

...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. Right on point again, DOETB! The SAP has no clue, that we know what they are up to! Keep on Truckin'!

  2. - I wish they did have a clue that we know what they are up to. Maybe then they would not be so bold in their actions. They think that folks like myself are just a handful of radicals. THEY ARE WRONG!

    You bet I'll keep on truckin' and you do the same. Thanks for your comment.


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