Thursday, January 13, 2011


It was a small room with only one door and one window.  In the middle of the room, there was only one small bed and in the bed lay a fragile, middle-aged woman, who was crippled and was still in a deep sleep.  A few of her friends gathered around her for the room would not allow more.  The faces of her friends showed both hope and doubt.  Hope, that she would survive her dilemma and doubt that she would even awaken.  Only soft murmurs came from their mouths as the talked among each other.  It was a solemn occasion.

Suddenly a tall, dark, slender man slowly walked into the room.  The people there could see that he was walking, but he appeared to float as he moved toward the women in the bed.  No one approached him as he made his way toward her.  No one even spoke to him.  It was as if, they became frozen in time.  They simply starred at the man with wide, glazed over eyes.  There would not be one single person, who would stop his advancement.

Finally, he was at her side.  He reached out and gently took her hand.  He held it for only a moment.  He raised his head, smiled, and in a soft, deliberate voice, which no one could really hear, he said to her, “Awaken and you will slowly become whole again.”  The women, weak from her forced slumber, did not move any limb or lift any finger, but amazingly, she opened one eye and it was evident to all in the room, that the man, who seemed to float, had made a healing impact on her dilemma.

The strange acting person left the room and her friends began to talk loudly.  The doubt was gone from their faces.  They only expressed hope.  It appeared to them, that a miracle had truly taken place.  Somehow, the man had healed her.  Some began to call him “Savior”, others “Healer”, others “Prophet”, and still others said that he came from God.

Now, if you folks had listened to the mainstream media, and only the mainstream media, well, this is what you might believe had taken place.  Folks, Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama is no “Savior”!  He is no “Healer”!  He is not a messenger from any God, at least, not any that we believe in!  The boy puts them britches on every morning just like me and you, one leg at a time.  He does not float and, in my opinion, doesn’t even walk that good.  He kinda hunches over.  He is made of skin, bones and blood. 

Do you know what I thought as I watched this Arizona memorial?  I thought about the soldiers, who die almost daily and we never hear their names.  I thought about the victims, whose names were only briefly mentioned.  I thought about their families and the press bothering them in their time of sadness.  I thought about the endless stories of the Congresswoman.  I thought about how her name became a household word, but soldiers remained nameless. I thought about the huge nine eleven flag, all the flowers and candles and wondered why soldiers do not get this honor.  I wondered, if the Congresswoman were not involved, just how much attention the other victims would have received.  I thought about how Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama and how he made a mockery of the memorial ceremony.  He actual used it as a political opportunity to spread his “false” hope.  He was not solemn!  He was not sincere!  He was not respectful!  He shouted!  He proclaimed!  He pointed his finger and raised his voice.  At times, he almost yelled!  You do not do this at a MEMORIAL CEREMONY!

No, unlike many Democrats and Republicans, you will not get any PRAISES on Obama’s speech from this patriotic veteran.  I firmly believe, with all my heart and soul that Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama is desperately trying to CHANGE America for the worst.  I believe, because of his DIRECT actions, we, Americans, are loosing our freedoms daily.  I believe that he and his supporters and/or enablers are trying to take America down in some lame attempt to bring the rest of the world up.  They do not want ANY borders!  They want the world!  Those who do not believe this and fight this, in my opinion, will either be a slave to their worldwide regime or sacrificed at their hands.  Oh, and please do not give me that conspiracy baloney!
"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK

...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. I missed the memorial due to not having a tv. From what I have heard and then read here on your blog, I am thankful I missed it. Obama is not sincere and shame on him for using the memorial service as a platform for his political career or lack of it.

    To all the un-named hero's who put their lives on the line everyday...Thank you and May God Bless you!!!

  2. - THE SMITH FAMILY - AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Now that's the kind of comment I just love. Thank you.

  3. We need to get him down to the Shell Station and bless the gas pumps before it is too late. Gas is already at $3 something. where is the mainstream on this one will they wait until it hits $5 a gallon. This Obama should have headed from AZ to the Golden Globes and picked up his acting award what a piece of work. CR

  4. - Well folks, my brother Calvin has gotten in on the act. Great to hear from you bro and your comment is "spot on"!

  5. John I believe all of what you are saying. It's so scary since Osama-Obama got into office. .I firmly believe he was put in to take the United States down to our knees.I cannot believe people actually voted him in for I felt we knew nothing about him. Well we found out didn't we?? I want to say to all the voters PLEASE do not repeat this again in 2012.He should have been impeached a long time ago. What is the holdup????

  6. - Yes, he should have been impeached a long time ago, in fact, he should have been imprisoned a long time ago. Just keep spreading the word and thanks for your comment.


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