Wednesday, September 29, 2010


“First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty.  Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots.  And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false”.  --  JOHN L SULAK 

Of course, I guess, when you have an "illegal" president, who apologizes to the whole dang world on our behalf and bows to Allah's representative and continues to support everyone EXCEPT REAL AMERICAN CITIZENS, well, America is going to lose some respect.

Anyway, the following pictures were taken at a rally at the state capitol
 of Arizona, Phoenix.
 You won't see these precious lil' darlin's on any major news network or any major paper or magazine.  No sir, they do not want to show their pet project, the illegals, in a bad light.  They got to keep selling the LIE, that these folks are the INNOCENT DOWNTRODDEN!  Where is the outrage?  Well, instead of taking a patriotic stance the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it.  Can you imagine that?  Brave soldiers were in attendance and they, of all people, were FORCED to set by and watch the very flag they fought for be turned into a mere picnic blanket!

One lady's husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told, that they would be booked under FEDERAL CHARGES, if they did anything to stop this obamanation!

80% of all METH, that is sold in America comes across our Southern border!  Think about that when you bleeding hearts out there think that illegals a just INNOCENT victims.  Think about kiddos dying each day in America from this awful drug!  Think about how much money the "politicians" and their buddies make off those drugs!  Think not?  You better think again!  Why do you think drug traffic continues in America?  Believe, if it's illegal, and it is not COMPLETELY stopped, well, you can bet a politician is behind it some how!

Homeland Security was put in place, or so we were told, to IDENTIFY and DEFEND America from terrorists, yet they let this proceed and let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate our flag.  This is top of the fact, that they leave our borders virtually completely unsecured, which escalates drug wars, the confiscation of our land, and the doping of our children.

People were actually spitting on our flag,  stomping on our flag, and burning our flag with cigarettes.  I imagine, that they probably even changed a baby or two on it as well.  I never thought I'd see the day when non-citizens, or even citizens for that matter, were allowed to crap on our flag!

One brave soldier, who had just returned from Iraq, tried to grab the flag and was immediately thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security!  Those so-called police, more like jack boots, ought to be tarred and feathered for stopping one of our heroes from saving our flag!

It is truly amazing how many people will stand AGAINST the American people while THEY are prospering from our system and our government.

To those of you that will pass this on to to your friends, or ANYONE who will listen, I applaud you for the courage to stand up for the country in which you live.  To those who would delete this, well, partner I can certainly tell you where to go!
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs!  Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride!  Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride!  And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly!  Believe me.....this will lead to success.”  --  JLS 
Yeah, them illegals and their friends sure do respect the hand that has been feeding them, giving them medical care, social security, schooling, and a free ride on us!  Real thankful boogers, huh?  If a REAL live citizen acted this way, they'd be shuned and ridiculed, especially if they were getting a free lunch.  What has this country come to?

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