Monday, September 27, 2010


“First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false”. -- JOHN L SULAK
Most of you already know this, but over 90% of all Black American voters, voted for obama. Moreover, you may know this too, but virtually all Jewish democrats voted for obama also. A ton of Hispanics also swung obama’s way. Of course, more than likely, ALL muslims voted for obama. SHOCK! There was also a bunch of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, drunks, sober people, drug addicts, plumbers, and bakers, sane and insane folks, who voted for him too. In other words, there was a bunch of folks of all colors, religion, cult and
 class, who voted for obama. We cannot blame those folks! Dang Sulak, have you gone off your rocker! No, I have not. We, as traditional Conservatives, should blame ourselves. Now, before you lynch me or run me out of town on a rail, let me explain.

The ONE thing and I do mean the ONLY thing, that Barrack Hussein Obama did good, is get us Conservatives ticked off. And no, we were not ticked off because he was half-black and half-white NBC-CBS-ABC-CNN-MSNBC-HUFFINGTON-NYTIMES-ROSIE-WHOOPI-VIEW and the rest of the “very slanted” media outlets!  We were ticked off, at his lack of responsibility towards our country. Hey and why don’t y’all get off this COLOR baloney, anyway? You and the “race peddlers” are really the only ones promoting racism anymore! If the “lame” street media outlets, the “race peddlers” and the very few they have following them, would stop their attempts to HANG ON, we’d all be just fine. Virtually all of America has MOVED ON, and I mean ALL colors. We (A mixture of ALL COLORS) didn’t start raising hell until we started noticing Obama’s “DESTROY AMERICA” agenda.

Anyway, now where did I leave off? Oh yeah, why we Conservatives are to blame for Obama being elected. First, look at how many uneducated, uncaring or uninterested voters we have turned around. We have accomplished this in just a little over one year. That is quite an accomplishment, isn’t it? You bet your sweet magnolias it is! Now think to yourself, “Imagine what we could have done, had we gotten more involved in our country twenty years ago?” What if we had done it about thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, or even seventy years ago? Yes, as good ol’ Conservatives, we missed the boat. This is how a virtual unknown, undocumented person like Obama became President. Moreover, he had the EDGE of voter intimidation, vote stacking, phony registration and missing documentation, of course.

Folks just absolutely hated Bush! They felt desperate and frustrated. Any person with a pretty face, loose lips, and a nice suit, who APPEARED to answer the liberal call, was going to get their vote. They did not even look into his background or ANALYZE those smooth words, which were flowing out of those loose lips. They had themselves a savior and they were going to follow him to the death.  Thankfully, some have already changed their minds on that.

This is what worries me about us Conservatives. We are desperate! We are frustrated! We absolutely despise everything Obama proposes or passes! We are looking for a hero! In addition, a lot of us ARE NOT looking into candidates backgrounds. Much more are not ANALYZING the smooth words. We hear a candidate cutting down Obama and all of a sudden, they are THE ONE. We hear a long, long sitting politician refute a current bill before the House and he is OUR HERO. We hear another “career” politician call Obama a liar, and with just that one word, thousands want him as President. Are we really that naïve? Don’t we realize, by now, that folks running for office, LIE? Are we going to make the same ol’ mistakes, which got us here, over the last seventy years, for the next seventy years? No sir! We are going to DIG! No, I do not mean dig a hole, as Obama has been doing. I mean, dig into the backgrounds of our candidates. Find out where they have been. Find out who they hang around with. Find out their religion or cult. Find out if they will “coddle” our enemies. Find out, that if they were in a back alley with you and you were facing a bunch of thugs, with no way out, would they stand beside you or would they turn tail and run.

Guys, a few timely sound bites is not a way to name a good candidate! Do we want another Obama, or maybe even worse? Watch out for the “career” politicians. They have been at this game a long, long time. They have lied to you in the past many, many times and they will lie to you again. The new so-called “PLEDGE TO AMERICA” makes me sick! Talk about a dog and pony show. In the last twenty or so years what has either party done for us? We need to vote for “new blood” every chance we get and if circumstances will not allow it, then, and only then, vote for a Republican “career” politician. Oh, and do not worry about “political” experience and/or “political” education. Be concerned with character, morals, ethics, their associates and friends, their backers and religious beliefs. This is what folks looked for in our founders and if it worked for them, and it did, then it will work for us. Get out of the POLITICAL EXPERIENCE RUT! We need folks with REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE and values. It is only RIGHT for us to do that!
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS

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