Saturday, August 28, 2010


“First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false”. -- JOHN L SULAK
RESTORE HONOR?  Glenn Beck took on a very worthy cause on August 28, 2010.  He brought together, at least, five hundred thousand patriotic folks, by my estimation, to restore honor among people.  There were people of every race, sex, religion and background, making their
 grand attempt at restoring honor in America.  Each and everyone of them are to be applauded for their sacrifices.  They are the very "salt" of America.  They represent our future and not our past, as some would have it.  Honor is not in the past, it is here today!  On August 28, 2010, it was on the very steps of the Lincoln Memorial!  It is in the hearts of literally MILLIONS of REAL and "LEGAL" AMERICANS!

Now, with the huge task of RESTORING HONOR in America, comes an equally huge RESPONSIBILITY!  The government, world leaders, financial leaders, muslims, illegal aliens, socialist, progressives, communists, marxists, propagandists, politicians, attorneys, atheists, professors, educators and every other so-called "fringe" or "radical" group hell bent on taking away our Constitution and/or conveniently changing it to serve one of their particular purposes for destroying American values and beliefs.  Yes, we have a very huge task indeed and a very huge enemy to fight.  We have to be willing to ACCEPT the RESPONSIBILITY. 

So, how do we go about ACCEPTING this RESPONSIBILITY and RESTORE HONOR in America?  First, we keep doing what ever we are doing now, BUT we do it stronger!  We attend a few more meetings and/or rallies!  We write a few more letters!  We make a few more calls!  We take every opportunity given to us to strengthen our INDIVIDUAL STATES thus weakening our very corrupt Federal government!  We demand justice for corrupt politicians, judges, attorneys, and yes, even presidents!  We seek out and expose any so-called "religious" group trying to install their own laws within OUR government!  We shun and "legally" humiliate these so-called followers of these so-called "religious groups!  We always keep in mind, that when you take on something hard and difficult as RESTORING HONOR to America, we have to be just as hard and unbending to "HONOR" that cause.

At this writing, I have not seen any of Glenn Beck's event.  He may have covered some of these things.  If he has, well, I feel honored to be on the same page as that great gentlemen.  If he did not, well, I'm still honored, that I can still speak from my own heart and proud that the folks I mentioned above have not succeeded in taking that away from me.

Guys, we will get there!  Yes we really will!  Right now, we are winning our fight a hole heck of a lot more than Mr. Obama and his minions are improving America, like they love to remind us!  The folks lined up against us are starting to fumble and mumble.  They are getting very frustrated!  Now, is not the time for us to be like them.  Now is the time for us to, like the kiddos say, "CHILL."  We need to keep a very determined, forceful, confident CALM about us.  WE ARE WINNING and our enemies know it.

If you really want to see how Barrack Hussein Obama was "groomed" by George Soros and his other backers, watch an old, black and white movie called, "A Face in the Crowd".   The story about a complete unknown, who rises to the very top with the help of pure corruption.  Just think about Obama being Lonesome Rhodes and The Colonel being George Soros.  It is a real eye opener.  
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS


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