Sunday, August 1, 2010


"First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false." -- JOHN L SULAK

"I want to thank my good friend from California for allowing me to speak to his comments." or "First let me say, that I respect what my friend from New York is saying, but..................." Sounds innocent enough, huh? How many of you have actually payed attention to these words or words
like them? How many just heard them as just a regular monotone blurb coming out of the mouths of representatives? Did you know, that although innocent sounding, they are bold faced lies? They are, and they have been spoken so many times, that we have become CONDITIONED to believe them as truth.

Let me ask y'all, if some one's words and actions are directly opposite from yours and those same words and actions, you believe, are tearing apart your very country, do you consider the one relaying thoes words and actions, a FRIEND? Of course not! It would be silly and very unwise. I mean if you lay done with mangy dogs, well, you're gonna get ya some fleas. Uh huh, you are. They speak lies! These are not their friends. In fact, you could say, they are their enemy. Yes enemy.

Respect? Ha, that's a good 'un. Yeah "respect" has been tossed around by our reps for some time now. So, let me ask you this. Would you RESPECT someone, if they were ignoring your Constitution, or your laws, or condemning your religion or your very God, or indoctrinating your children, or they were a communist, or they were trying to tear down every single TRADITIONAL value you know? Of course you would not. Why, that would border on insanity. They speak lies! They do not respect these people, but they just have to say it anyway. Yes, your reps are liars! Many have done it so long, that now it's common place. Many have heard it so long, that they think it's just good manors. Baloney! Since when did telling lies become good manors? Who started that nonsense?

The point I'm trying to make is this. We have got to watch even the smallest of lies because, if we do not, they will makes us BELIEVE bigger lies. You know, kinda like they have been doing, oh say, for the last forty years through government, college professors, media, and all sorts of propaganda. If you LISTEN, you can spot lies every single day, from your reps, no matter what side.

"We are working on this twenty-for seven." Heard that one? Have you ever known anyone, in your entire life, who has worked twenty-four hours straight for seven days? Of course not! Yeah, but boy when the president, or a rep, or a BP executive spouts those words out, well, most of us think to themselves, "Boy, those guys are working hard." Baloney! More lies! If you can learn to spot the little ones, then the big ones are easier.

I loved the one Obama said when we were about thirty days into the BP oil fiasco. Do you remember what he said? Think a minute. It was a doozy. The ol' boy said, "It is the last thing I think about when I go to sleep at night and the first thing, that's on my mind when I wake up in the morning." Oh my God, please give me strength to let his words pass swiftly through my brain! What a total joke! Does anyone ever remember the very last thing they think about before they go to sleep? I think it is impossible. You know, that your mind gets groggy before slumber. It begins to kinda go through a whole bunch of thoughts and then you're out. Oh, and in the morning? Well, I don't know about you guys, but my first thought is, C O F F E E ! ! ! Yes sir, the prez be lying, but he knows it sounds good. After all, isn't that how the ol' booger got elected? He sounded good? Nothing to back up the words, but boy howdy they sure sounded good. Hmm huh!

Now, if you guys see how easily we accept their lies, then imagine what they are doing to our children and grandchildren? You betcha, they are soaking their sponge like little brain with every kinda of communistic thing you can even imagine. From God is no good to you don't need to pray to the Constitution is not the law to your mommy and daddy are teaching you wrong, to two mommies or two daddies are better than just one mommy and one daddy, to here is the different ways you can have sex, and we can go on and on and on. You get the drift. Right?

Oh, and then, of course you have the twenty, thirty, and forty somethings. Virtually all of them have one thing on their mind and it is FUN! With a capital F! They have not a clue to what is happening in their world. They make a little dough, a few, a lot of dough and then they spend most of it or all of it on FUN things. Some travel, some drink and party, others gamble, still others customize their snazzy cars, some do drugs, some go to the beach, and some do all of this and other stuff too bad to mention. The only news they get is from their "coffee shop" friends or the "lame" stream media.  In other words, they do not get the TRUTH!

Got a very good friend, who, after many requests, I finally convinced her to watch Glenn Beck.  She was amazed!  Especially at Glenn's "Real History" Friday's shows.  I felt proud.  Thought I sold another one on the TRUTH , but I was shocked.  Remember that Sherrod deal?  The lady who got fired for unfounded racists remarks?  Well my friend, told my wife, that Glenn Beck caused here to get fired by, get this, breaking the story on his show.  My wife tried to tell her, that she has absolute proof, that Glenn did not "break" the story.  Andy Breitbart did, but she would have none of it.  She slipped back into "Confused Liberal Mode" or CLM and ignored the TRUTH.  She had had years of indoctrination and it was hard for her to snap out of it.  She will, eventually.  We understand and will help her.  At least, she took some "first steps".  Most will not.

I know, I yammered to long, but I felt a need to get this out.  We need to stop the INDOCTRINATION and DUMBING DOWN of all concerned.  They are trying awfully hard and we have to try harder.  Obama! "Sunshine, we gonna win this thing and you're gonna lose!  Remember that, as you go forward.  You may need to hedge your bets and come our way....A BUNCH 'cause cuz, you gonna be on the loosing end."

Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that pride! And last, take some kind of action and pray everyday for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success. -- JLS

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