Thursday, August 12, 2010


“First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false”. -- JOHN L SULAK
Sooooo, you think come November 2010, that this Democrat/Progressive mess will be all over?  You think, that in 2012 we'll have a new President and all will be hunky-dory, huh?  Ha!  You better think again Podz!  These ol' boys have had about eighty years to spread their filth, and now
you think, that in just a few short months of complaining and hollerin' it's gonna all end.  Come on!  Your noggin' has more juice in it than that.  You're thinking like a "short term" liberal.  A flash in the pan!  Get rid of that stinkin' thinkin' and start looking between the lines.

We've all heard the spin line, "This is not a Democrat versus Republican thing." right?  And the ones who are spouting this are correct.  It is not a DEMOCRAT versus REPUBLICAN thing, but it is a "good, solid, patriotic, go by the original Constitution, Almighty God believing, traditional value, troop loving" FOLKS versus THE POLITICIANS AND/OR CROOKS AND/OR COMMUNIST AND/OR NWO AND/OR AMERICA BUSTERS, kind of thing!  

Did you know, that we are doing the very same thing, all over again, that got Barrack Hussein Obama elected.  We are "buying the hype"!  Really.  What part of "clean house" do we not get?  Haven't we learned by now, that incumbents, democrats and republicans, and anyone contacted to them are terrible.  Can't we get it through our thick heads, that folks connected to the "established elite" are being trained?  Guys like Quayle's son, Ron Paul's son, Ron Paul, John Boener, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Fred Thompson, John Cornyn, and you know all the rest.  They are connected and all we'll get from them is the same thing we've been getting for the last eighty years.  Smiles, grins, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that, lil' lie here, big lie there and bam.....we elect them, only to find out that we've been duped!  Kinda like Obama duped the hard working black people and Jews in America. 

And for God's sake, we have to stay away from all attorneys.  How do you think, in the last eighty years, this country got so screwed up?  ATTORNEYS!  They wrote the "loop hole" laws and the politicians "mouthed" them to placement.  Did you know that George Washington was not an attorney?  How about Ben Franklin?  Paul Revere?  Ask yourself this:  How many politicians in office or running for office are attorneys?  I can tell ya.  Almost all.  Doesn't that tell us something?  Let me put it this way.  If politicians are our enemy, and most are, and they were holding a gun to your head, well, attorneys would be giving them the ammunition for the gun.  That's what they do!  When politicians want something done, which will make them either more powerful and/or richer, who do they go to?  ATTORNEYS!  If they want to fool the people, who do they go to?  ATTORNEYS?  If they get caught?  Who do they go to?  ATTORNEYS!  How many politicians, in the last eighty years, have actually PAID for their crimes?  Not many right?  Know why?  ATTORNEYS!  Politicians and attorneys are two peas in the same pod.  They look out for each other.  They cover-up for each other.  Please, avoid them like the plague!

And please, let's not go down that same ol' tired road, "....but my incumbent is really a good guy or gal."  Geeeeez!  That's like a kid getting caught red handed, while stealing a computer at school and the parents blame the teacher because little Johnny just can't do any wrong.  You know the kind?  Clean house means clean house!  It's what Obama is doing to our country.  Only in a very bad way!  He needs corrupt folks to pull it off.  Right now he has a House full, unless we REALLY clean his house and his plow!  We are like pack rats.  We want to hang on to just a piece of the past.  It's time to let go GUYS!

Now, on the other hand, I especially respect the ex-soldier candidates.  I like the business folks.  I even like the so-called "unknowns", but only if they have, what "decent" people consider a righteous background.  Give me a butcher, a baker, a candle stick maker with good work and moral ethics and I'll take them over a politician or an attorney any day of the week and twice on Sunday, regardless of their education! 

We need folks who can make GOOD decisions.  You can always hire advisers, but we need some morally strong, ethically minded, decision makers at the top.  Folks who say, "Right is right and wrong ain't no body's!  We gonna run America right!" Folks, who aren't afraid to warn or gently remind the rest of the world, that America is back!  Not folks who apologize for our great country at every turn.  Folks who will say, "If you burn an American flag, you will lose your citizenship!"  Folks who will say, "We pray in America and we are proud of it, so leave our God alone!"  Folks who will say, "We do not condone smut or lewd behavior or language in front of our children."  Folks who will make sure our kiddos know our history and traditions.  Our laws.  Our Constitution.  Our free market system.  Folks who will not put up with weird groups like muslims and illegal aliens, who use our own good intentioned laws against us!  We don't do "mohammad" and Allah in America!  And please, do not even try to give me that "freedom of religion" thing!  I didn't fall off the melon truck yesterday!  Muslims do not practice a religion!  Let that sink in!  They practice murder as a way to some sort of imaginary heaven!  Guys, I'm on a roll and it's buttered!  I could go on like this for hours, but you may just give up on me, so I'll end this thing with just a few more words. 

America needs to GET REAL again!  Remember, almost anyone can smile, grin, talk, and show off, but they should be judged by their deeds and not their mouth.  Obama was elected by his mouth.  He had NO GOOD DEEDS that followed him.  NONE!  Please remember that when you decide who to cast your vote for.  Thanks guys.  
 “Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS   


  1. John,
    I agree with you . the work will only have just begun if we do clean the house in 2010, it will take years of dusting and re-arranging the furniture putting things back in order. Repealing the health care bill alone will be a monumental task.

  2. There ya go Geketa. We're on the same page. We have to always avoid the words and grab the real substance. Thanks for the comment.


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