Monday, August 16, 2010


“First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false”. -- JOHN L SULAK
RELIGION? Webster’s defines it as “the service and worship of God or the supernatural.”

Encarta, the World English Dictionary defines it as, “people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or
deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life.” defines it as, “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. When considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.”

Wikipedia defines it as, “the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or in general a set of beliefs explaining the existence of and giving meaning to the universe, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.”

Free Online Dictionary defines it as, “Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.”

Your defines it as, “belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe.”

And finally, THE SUPREME COURT has interpreted religion to mean a sincere and meaningful belief that occupies in the life of its possessor a place parallel to the place held by God in the lives of other persons. The religion or religious concept need not include belief in the existence of God or a supreme being to be within the scope of the First Amendment.

So there you have it and in my opinion it doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. It appears that no one, not even The Supreme Court really knows what religion really is. Ever since the Founders gave us freedom of “religion”, the word has been tossed around, stepped on, crumpled up, chewed up and spit out, until we have arrived at the ridiculous meaning we have today, which is, uh, hmm, I duh know?

Of course, us dummies, way down here in the “real” world (Hello!) know what the Founders and the Constitution intended, but what in the hell do we know? We’re just peasants! Everyday folk! Who are we to even attempt to guess what words mean? Get off your “high horse” you completely over educated, full of yourself, lost all crumbs of common sense, idiots! The Founders meant religion to be a “group” of folks praying to and worshiping God Almighty. Yes, it’s that simple. Oh sure, they can believe in the teachings of different prophets and saviors, but it leads to the one God Almighty. Virtually every “real” religion on the planet follows these fundamentals. That is what religion is!

Scientology and Ophra’s babblings is not religion! Sorry, Tom Cruise, but it’s not! Get real! And Ophra, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You were taught right, but I guess the ol’ dollar kinda warped your brain or somethin’. Oh, and all you other rock, star, sun, dog, cat, lizard, frog, snake, Lady Gaga or moon worshipers, give it up. They ain’t a religious object or a God! Geeez guys, can we at least make an attempt at getting real again?

Okay, I’m rollin’ now! We got religion all cleared up, so let’s move on to Freedom of Religion. You know that thing we were guaranteed by The Founders and The Constitution? Yeah! So hear is my question: IN AMERICA’S CURRENT SITUATION, DO WE HAVE FREEDOM OF RELIGION? Now think about that long and hard and try to think “outside the ol’ box”. I mean, over sixty percent of Americans believe that the muslims have a right to build there 911 “slap in the face” mosque, but over sixty percent say that it is not right for them to do it. Hmm. So basically, as a whole, they are saying, that the law is not right. Right? A pretty good dilemma, huh? It leads to two alternatives. Either we have to change our freedom of religion laws, which we do not want or we have to change the definition of religion within those laws. The latter makes more sense.

Now, what’s the answer to the question: In America’s current situation, do we really have freedom of religion? Not there yet? Okay, the answer is a very emphatic, “NO!” In America today, we do not have freedom of religion! Well, let me clarify, in America today we do not have freedom of religion except for one, and only one, religion! That religion is Islam and it is practiced by every single muslim freely in our country. It is because of this one single religion, that no other religion has complete freedom in America. This one religion threatens the very freedom of ALL other religions and not only in America, but in the entire world!

Let me ask you this; are the three thousand who lost their lives in 911, at the hand of muslims, free to practice their religion? Are the soldiers at Fort Hood who died at the hand of a muslim, free to practice their religion? Are the many, many Americans who have died at the hands of muslims, free to practice their religion? And finally, are me and you, really FREE to practice our religion, without wondering, when some muslim will take out us or one of our family members? Ask yourself seriously, DO YOU REALLY HAVE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? You know you don’t, not as long as there is a single muslim practicing the quran in America! We are being “duped” and muslims and our law makers are using our own laws against us. Our laws are being used to protect and promote the wicked while leaving us in the lurches. Islam is the only religion (cult) in the entire world which requires, no commands, it’s members, muslims, to either convert or kill all non-Islamic believers! FACT!  Can there truly be freedom of religion, when one religion's primary focus is the DESTRUCTION of all other religions?  Wouldn't this very act make the term "freedom of ALL religions" become null and void and thus wipe out an entire section of our Constitution?  Islam CANNOT and must not exist in America!  It threatens our very foundation! 

One more thing before I close. The “bleeding hearts” are going to jump all over this. They’ll say that some muslims are good. They will tell you stories of how long they’ve known them. They will defend them as good, hard working members of our society. They will quote certain words from the quran. Remember this, any later writings in the quran take precedence over previous writings. Mohammad was very crafty this way. He could write good stuff only to erase it later. This is how they FOOL non-believers. DO NOT BUY THE HYPE! Prepare yourself now. Learn to shun and fight this cult every chance you get. They mean you harm. Oh, and isn’t it neat, when one of them carries out their commanded jihad against us, that our government steps in and calls them radicals or fringe groups. In other words, there could be a Fort Hood almost every month and they would just be fringe groups, not muslims. Ha! Don’t you think the muslims know how stupid our government is? There will be more! There WILL be more! Learn these muslims. Know them. Know their bible. Here is a good place to start:
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS


  1. I said it once and Ill say it again. It is our responsibility to learn the koran and teach those good ol' boys who say they are protecting their freedom of religion.. Muslimism is a Political movement using the guise of religion to take over and enact their so called given right to practice Sharia Law which is oppression of everyone else. Please read the Koran and educate your neighbors, friends, relatives and any good citizen of what we are up against. Thank you My ol Texas friend. I'm with you. Ditto!

  2. Jackie - the truth about Islam should be taught to every single student in America. It is the single biggest threat to our freedom and existence! Thank you for supporting the real America.

  3. Islam is an ideology -- whatever that means. It's womb to tomb management of the lives of Muslims. They obey it or die in an unpleasant way. Girls are raised to be slaves. If they try to be free in any way, their lives are forfeit. Their parents, siblings, relatives all have the right to kill them without any fear of being punished if they break the rules that enslave them. A religion? Not hardly. Their Allah is a former female moon goddess, and the "angel" who visited Mohammed was the devil. I met him/it. I've never felt such evil and oppression -- I hope never to do so again.

  4. Islam is an ideology - Yep. The only religion (cult) in the entire world, where the members blindly follow a drunk and a pedophile. And will actually kill for him. And our government thinks these folks are sane enough to be citizens. WOW!

  5. John,
    You do not have to post this one if you do not wish to. I really enjoyed your take on the lack of the Freedom of Religion in this country. I would like to repost this onto my blog, giving link and accreditation to you of course. Please let me know.


  6. Scott - please feel free to share the post as you described. Thank you.

  7. Gota hand it to ya East Texas're like Will Rogers & Mark Twain rolled into one...HeHeHe

  8. Thanks again Randy. Just cared enough to send my very best.


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