Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Guys, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out "The Lil' Impostor's" plan.  Oh, and thank God, 'cause I'm way down the brain pool from a rocket scientist.  But seriously, this cat wants the world, or at least, his benefactors do.  They ain't playin' for small taters here.  Their twisted lil' egos will not let them take any other course, but TO BE IN CHARGE!  They think, that they are so magnificent, that only the changes they make will work, but that's only half of it.  You see, not only do the like change, but they like it so much,
that they are never ever satisfied.  They will ALWAYS want more!  So, they will keep changing and changing and changing until the mess they have created, can never be repaired.  That's what progressives do.  They progress.  No, they don't make any PROGRESS, they believe change is progress, regardless the result.  In fact, to them, they say, "Damn the result.", as long as we are changing.  

Here is an example of how they change things.  I'm sure y'all have heard of this Obama's top counter terrorism adviser, John Brennan, huh (his grouchy ol' mug is pictured)?  Now there is a bumbling idiot.  Sorry, but I call 'em like I see 'em and that's the way I see this sucker.  Man, talk about not being a rocket scientist?  I don't think this guy could even hold a rocket scientist's pencil without breaking it.

You see, ol' John Brennan, at the request of his spineless leader, I'm sure, thought it was time to change islamic beliefs.  Yeah, these muslims and their wicked beliefs have regrettably been around for centuries.  There is countless, very factual information on this, anything but peaceful, cult.  Well, my friends, that just ain't good enough for ol' Johnny B.  No siree!  Just like most college professors, he considered himself much wiser, than, o' say, the TRUTH!  Here is what special lil' Johnny B had to say about jihadists and islamists (same thing really)

"Nor do we describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children . . ."

What?  Come again, Johnny boy?  No you didn't?  You didn't just say, that there is nothing Islamic about murder?  I mean, their very leader, Mohammad, commands them to murder!  Johnny, you must have just finished smoking some of that leftover Woodstock weed with Obama, when y'all came up with that booger!  Good gosh!  Are you really, that much of an elitist moron?  Murder is not part of islam?  Ha!  Your killin' me here!  I know y'all don't read House or Senate Bills, but have you ever even thumbed through the quran?  It ain't that hard, chief!  And you don't have to thumb very far either!  There a literally pages of murder, rape, maming, beheading, child rape, and other gross stuff.  It's in there Johnny!

But wait, how in the world did I miss this?  Why did I not see it?  And this goes for everyone, who claims that islam and/or the quran is peaceful.  They are telling the truth.  Yes they are!  I cannot believe this got passed me 'cause, you see, I'm a purdy quick ol' hound dog.  THEY MUST BE MUSLIM!  In order to say, that islam and/or the quran is peaceful, you'd have to be muslim, so Johnny boy must be a "closet" muslim!  And Barrack Hussein Obama too!  Unlike Jews and Christians, who are proud of their religions, Johnny, Barrack, Michelle, and all them other muslim suck-ups must be ashamed of theirs.  Huh!  

I mean you cannot have it both ways, unless of course, you are a despicable liar!  Islam is anything but peaceful towards non-believers!  So Barrack, and the rest of you enablers what are you?  A muslim or a non-believer?  You have to be one or the other and having made the claims, that Johnny boy and the rest of you have, well, I'm leaning awful far toward muslimWhatcha say Barrack?  You a liar or are you muslim?  Anybody wanna take any bets?  What a bunch of small, sad, pitiful people you "closet" muslims are.

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