Saturday, July 10, 2010


IRONIC?  Funny word.  It means, relating to the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning.  It could also mean doin' one thing for one purpose, but doin' another thing, that actually helps defeat the purpose of the first thing.  Huh?  I know, but stay with me bubba and bubbette and I'll get there.  IRONIC could even be used to describe the going's on of this current administration.  No doubt, they do a ton of ironic things and none seems to do us, me and you, any good, does it?  No sir, it don't.

Let's take our current war against muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.  This month we had twenty-three of our boys killed by muslims.  That's right!  I
said muslims!  I did not say Islamic extremists, or radical muslims, or man made disaster groups, or snow white and the seven dwarfs!  No sir!  I said muslims!  I call a spade a spade and someone, who believes in the quran, and wants me dead, is a muslim.  Obama and his spin machine can twist them words anyway he wants to, but we know better.  WE ARE FIGHTING mUSLIMS!  Yeah, I know, it's a small "m" in muslims.  So?  You didn't think I was going to give them any significance by capitalizing their raging cult name, did ya?

So, moving on now, we have this war against muslims.  We have folks getting killed.  They are having to work in extreme heat.  They do not always, in fact, almost never get enough rest.  It is a tough war against an insane enemy.  And they do all of this for us.  They do it so that anyone who thinks about attacking America again will think twice before they do.  They are doing a heck of a job for us, but it is virtually all in vein, thanks to Barrack Hussein Obama.  In my opinion the death of each one of our soldiers should rest squarely on his shoulders.  He is responsible!  

Now let's take this to all of our borders.  Arizona passed and is sticking by their immigration laws.  They are doing what Barrack Hussein Obama would not do!  They are trying, the only way they know how, to secure their border with Mexico and keep citizens safe.  It ain't working.  We have folks getting killed by illegal thugs!  We have even lost control of huge chunks of America to these illegal thugs!  Folks are scared!  Others are mad!  And still others are ready to physically fight back.  We are actually losing American lives and property at the hands of illegal aliens!  The very people Barrack Hussein Obama is catering to!  Heck, now he's even suing Arizona for doing what he was supposed to do in the first place.  What a guy!  Aren't you so proud to have him as president?

Of course, Arizona's border is really the only one you hear about.  The so-called big three television networks report, that Arizona is being mean to poor lil' o' illegal aliens and Fox and a few radio stations tell it like it is.  It's the borders and the kind of folks crossing our borders, that you don't hear about.  In fact, it's almost like Barrack Hussein Obama is picking a fight with Arizona to draw our attention away from all of our borders, huh?  Yep.  Guys, we have muslims, remember those, the ones we are fighting in the Middle East?  Yeah, well they are crossing our borders right here in America.  Right under our noses and Barrack Hussein Obama is not only helping them, but he's financing them with OUR money.  Remember, and please drive this home, if Obama or the "big 3" shift their attention to something, it's because they are HIDING something else.  Once again, if Obama and his media get all over something, it's because they ARE HIDING SOMETHING ELSE.

Our boys are dying in the Middle East and being killed by muslims.  And muslims crossing our borders daily.  Barrack Hussein Obama helping muslims.  NASA instructed to promote muslimsCAIR (largest organized group of muslims) making demands against our government and winning those demands.  Sharia, muslim law, being FORCED on Americans.  Mosques, muslim prayer and TRAINING centers, being built right in are neighborhoods!  Para-military muslim recruitment and training camps spread across fifteen of our states and more being planned daily!  Americans murdered right in our military bases and done by muslims!  Our own armed forces is training muslims!  Believers in the quran, muslims, being ALLOWED to become legal citizens!  No, we're not talking islamic extremists or radical muslims or man made catastrophes!  It's just muslims guys!  Understand that!  It is just muslims!

So where does this leave us?  Oh yeah, IRONIC!  Here ya go.  We are fighting, WITH OBAMA EMPHASIZED RESTRAINT, muslims in our war.  Our soldiers cannot just wipe them out, win, and come home.  Naw, that would be too rational.  Too many muslims might get killed.  Next, we have muslims crossing our borders both legally and illegally without out much resistance at all.  Then we have Obama bringing muslims over here in droves and calling them refugees.  Refugees?  They are muslims folks!  Next we have Obama actually spending our money to help these muslims.  I know I'm being redundant!  I'm meaning to be on purpose.  So do you see the IRONY here?  It's like a neat lil' circle Obama and his supporters devised to keep our minds reeling.  We kill muslims in one place, but with restraint.  We finance muslims in another place, without restraint.  We leave our borders porous in several places, so muslims can sneak in.  Obama prays with muslims in another place.  He bows to muslims in yet another place.  And we all wonder what our place really is in this crazy mixed up Obama world!  Now that's IRONIC! 


  1. Ironic indeed! It's also ironic that he appoints radical muslims to key positions in the Dept. of Homeland Security! All of this in the first year and 1/2 of his presidency. Just think how much more damage he can do before it's over!

  2. Forgot that one Rita. Thanks. There are so many. Damage? He'll do all WE LET HIM.

  3. You pinned the tail right on the Donkey!!!

  4. You got Donkey right Terri, if ya know what I mean. Thanks for comment.


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