Monday, July 26, 2010


I was trying to think of how to sum up a liberal, progressive, communist, marxist, or what ever label they are stickin' on themselves this week and I think I come pretty close to it.  Here's what I came up with: 

LIBERAL - A person who believes and promotes falsehoods and ignores and denies the truth.

They want, so bad, for a conservative to be wrong, that they will, if you let them, take you around in circles for hours and hours.  Out and about, I've seen folks argue with them forever only to find out, after a bunch of hot air, that they are right back where they started from.  Makes me
wanna jump up and slap 'em upside the head and say, "Wake up!"  No, not the liberal, they're lost.  I'm talkin' about the conservative for giving them, that much time.  Geeez!

Have you noticed how a liberal never ever comes up with any FACTS to enforce their claims.  Boy, but they'll jump in feet first and mouth wide open to spout off their passions.  And their passion is to do anything you have to, to make a conservative wrong....even lie your rear-end off.  Oh sure, once in a while, they'll throw a liberal blog link your way or quote a liberal professor or give you some pamphlet, that includes just as much round about double talk as their recitations, but never any real facts.  We can give them documented articles, videos in their so-called heroes on words, recognized links, and even writings from their heroes, but they refute the truth in that documentation and highlight the lies.  Yep, that's what they are good at, or bad at, depending how you look at it.  PROMOTE LIES/IGNORE TRUTH!

So now, if a liberal promotes lies and denies the truth, shouldn't we do just the opposite in order to defeat their baloney?  Makes sense huh?  Yeah, I kinda like the idea myself.  Use their own baloney to make our real truth even more powerful.  Sorta like throwing it back in their faces, so to speak.  Oh, and it'll tick 'em off too.  They just love it when they rile us up, but we'll be the ones doing the riling up!  So, before we go on, let's define a conservative as simple as we can.  Naw, I like patriot better.  Let's define a patriot.

PATRIOT - A person who believes and promotes the truth and ignores falsehoods. 

So lookie here, from now on, here's what you do.  The next time a liberal, or what ever, tries to convince you to come their way, just shoot the truth at them one time.  That's it!  Just one time!  If they don't come your way, then ignore them and I mean ignore, guys!  Liberals are lost with out a podium, whether real or imaginary, so don't give 'em one.  Ignore!  Ignore!  Ignore!  You will be weakening them.  Soon they will realize, that those lies they keep believing in aren't getting that much attention.  They'll feel lost.  All they'll have is their Starbucks friends to console them and that'll get old quick.  They will start following the crowd 'cause that's what they do too.  Problem is, we'll be THE CROWD, me and you!  We'll have them whipped like lil' puppies looking for mama dog.

Oh, and you can take their forty-five steps to communism and do the same thing.  Look them over, I've attached them, read them good, then think to yourself, "What would the opposite be?" and that's what you do.  You can do this.  It's easy.  

Alright, let's do a few.  Here's the first one: 

1) US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

Here they are talking about a World Government, to coexist with everyone else.  First, we are already coexisting with the rest of the world, but we are independent, with our own government.  To do the opposite we have to RESIST anything, that will lead us to a World Order.  Less government is one of the best ways.  States rights is another.  I'm sure you can name a hundred. A lot of the things we are already fighting and promoting everyday.  Just keep it up.

2) US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

Well, lets knock down some of those twenty-five cent words.  Here it is in plain talk:  The United States choice to surrender ground, and surrender often, after they talk to the ol' boys, that is giving them the problems because they are afraid of their vale threat of war.  Isn't that what Obama is doing right now with Iran and North Korea?

There's an old story in good ol' horse trading, that goes something like this:  Try to get the ol' boy your tradin' with to come down on his price because if he does it just once, well, he'll do it again and again and again until you get what you want.  Obama needs to memorize this one, huh?  His like a twelve year old going up against a twenty year veteran in used car sales, when it comes to Iran, North Korea, Russia, or any other country, for that matter.  He just ain't got the "sand".

So, as lil' people, all we can do on this one, is to keep shouting, "Call their bluffs!"  We cannot let these puny lil' countries push us around like this.  It will give the countries with REAL POWER ideas.  Maybe that's what Obama wants.  Maybe the "fix" is in, but we cannot stop pushing.  They are afraid of "pushers"!  You stop pushing and then you become sheep.  Sheep can be led.  You don't want to be a sheep.  Anyway, you get the idea.  It works.

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