Thursday, July 22, 2010


"What in the heck are you talking about now, Sulak?"  Well, I'm glad you asked.  Thank you.  I'm talking about Barrack Hussein Obama.  "But he's not a share cropper and he dang sure ain't gotta crop, so what's the deal?"  Well, you are wrong my friend.  He is a share cropper!  Doesn't he want to share OUR crop with the whole world until everybody has the same yield?  And wouldn't every person, in the entire world, be his "crop", if that were the case....and we know it is?

Doesn't that summarize the baloney he was taught since childhood?  Isn't that what his feeble brain has been soaked with?  Isn't that the communistic way?  You either know the facts and believe, that he believes this or you are living in denial and hanging on to the false hope he keeps preaching to you about.  In fact, on important things, I do not believe he is capable of doing anything, but lying.  He has, in his own words, proved it time and time again.  Folks who believe in him have lying eyes and lying ears.  They are like a thief, who gets caught red handed, on video, with sound and says, "I didn't do anything!"

You see, "crop chopping" means you take some off over here and add some on over there, so you can kinda even things out, so to speak.  Now, in the real world, this kind of tending to the crops would never work.  The crops, that are cut, would die.  The crops, that were added to (if possible) would be shaded from the sun, and they would die.  Eventually the entire crop would die.  It's the same with folks.  You cannot take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots" to make all equal.  Everything would come to a halt.  This has been proven time and time again throughout history.  It just don't work and, Obama, you hard headed, egoistical booger, it cannot be perfected to work.

So "farmer" Obama is hard at work tending to us "crops" and trying to make us all grow exactly the same.  Of course, us Americans are buddin' out a lot better than, oh say, Iran, so Obama gotta do a lil' trimming on us.  Here is what his Farmer's Almanac tells him (Oh, and Bush and Clinton were both in on this too):  "Award businesses in Iran over $107 BILLION and this should include $15 BILLION to companies, IN IRAN, that violate American sanctions law by making large investments, that will help Iran develop its vast oil and gas reserves.”  So he did, and is still doing it today.  "CROP CHOPPING"!  Click on link and get more. 

Oh, but the boy ain't through. Uh huh.  Besides giving millions to his birthplace, Kenya, using millions to bring muslims over here, giving millions to Petrobras (owned by George Soros), giving millions to Greece, giving millions to ACORN and SEIU, giving millions to Fannie & Freddie, letting stimulus money set idle to make interest on our deficit remain steep, and hiring countless government workers, so he can say he created jobs, well, here is another thing he's in on and so is every single Congress man and woman:

Obama approved and Congress accepted over ONE BILLION in just nine, count 'em guys, nine short months!  ONE BILLION!  Actually, it was $1,013,162,955.  Can you say, "Robbing from the poor and giving to the rich?"  This whole Obama, I want to say administration, but there is no way this makes sense.  It really is an OBAMANATION!  What kind of greedy parasites do we have running our government?  They should all be arrested!  Every stinking last one of them!  Either for contributing to this atrocity or ignoring it.  

Look at this!  $80 million for Federal retired workers!  Remember, that's in a nine month period.  Wanna bet they are union?  There's probably not a non-union one in the bunch.  Of that 80 very large, think how much of that is going to the union bosses.  Uh huh.  Greedy thugs!  A union today is operated just like Obama wants to operate America.  A few greedy rich thugs at top take most of the dough and the workers fight over the scraps.  Oh, and if you think they are bad now, wait until the government own ALL the unions and workers have no where else to go.  Union patsies never think about that.  Do you think Obama really give a damn about you other than turning a profit or gaining PERSONAL POWER?  Ha!  Think again.  He'll drop you like a bad habit to get what he wants!

Folks, you gotta look at this article.  It breaks down the ONE BILLION piece by piece.  Obama, his thugs, and Congress is a fungus and if we do not come up with a "COVER ALL" fungicide real soon, well, we gonna rot guys!  Check it out:

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