Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Did you folks know, that as of this morning "The Lil' Impostor" has not had a single meeting with the CEO of British Petroleum (BP). Not one! Okay, so let me ask any of you, that are not plumbers, you have a major leak in your home, who do you meet with? A PLUMBER? Do you wait over fifty days to have the meeting? I don't think so.

This guy, Obama, has got to be the most lackadaisical, non-caring, brain in la la land, idiot leader that the world has ever known. Sorry, if that offends some of his unknowing flock, but I call 'em like I see 'em and this one is pretty darn easy to see and to call.

C'mon! Seriously! This cat is supposedly in charge of this country. He has basically two wars in the
Middle East. The country is going broke. Many states are on the brink of bankruptcy. Illegal aliens are killing, raping, maiming, infecting, and stealing from our citizens. Terrorist are growing stronger each day, right here in our country. Muslims are becoming citizens and moving in our country at an alarming rate. Sharia law is just a step away from taking over American Law. Children and young adults are being taught FALSE history. Oh, and there is much, much more, but to top all of this off, our Judeo/Christian God and his images and teachings are being destroyed and/or hidden from every aspect of our lives.

Now, you got all of this going on and what does this cat, Obama, do? He sings with Paul McCartney! He barbeques with Luis Farrakhan. He goes on vacation. Didn't he just come off one? He plays golf. He ignores veterans on Memorial Day. He bows to a Saudi sheet head. He meets with that clown in Iran. He meets with another idiot, Hugo Chavez. He meets with Andy Stearn. He cozies up to unions. He makes a few campaign pitches, to no avail, I might add. In September, because of his new laws, another one point four million Americans will lose their "private" health insurance plans. Oh, and during all this, he is also the first American President to hold a press conference without any American flags behind him and he has spent us into over thirteen trillion in debt! This debt is predicted to go over nineteen trillion by the end of the year!

Heck, I guess what I'm trying to say guys, if you ain't part of the solution, then brother, you are part of the problem! As the so-called leader of our country, I personally believe, that he, Obama, IS THE PROBLEM! Ask yourself, "What has he accomplished? How is my life better? Can I see a brighter future with him as our president? Am I not more concerned for my children under him? Do I feel safe? Have I ever, in my entire lifetime, heard so much talk of revolution, transformation, rioting, unrest, and corruption at high levels? Have I ever seen the economy in such a downward spiral? Has Almighty God and Jesus ever been ATTACKED so much? Have Jews, since Hitler, ever been attacked so much?" And then ask yourself this, "Is Obama really the person, who can pull us out of such an awful mess?"

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