Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Russia?  Can you find anything good to say about Russia?  Oh sure, I imagine most of the folks there are probably pretty good.  They just ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time and did not fight evil hard enough.  But I'm not talking about the folks.  No, I'm talking about the government.  Sadly, it's not much different then our CURRENT federal government.  Mainly, I'm talking about the Kremlin.  You know, with all their evil technology and weapons, their are not to be under estimated.  They are especially good at spying.  Probably better than us.  I think they've been doing it much longer and experience is always a good teacher.  It is because of their proficient spying, that the following concerns me.

Did you know, that TheViolent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, put forth by none other than "The Lil' Impostor" himself will allow his goons to arrest and imprison, without trial or conviction, over five hundred thousand innocent Americans?  Did you know that?  For instance, a guy like me, complaining about Obama's administration and policies, would be a target.  They, according to this ACT, can grab me up and throw me in a prison camp indefinitely.  All for
being a concerned American.  For standing my ground.  For telling the truth.  For questioning my government like our founders intended for us to do.  This guy, Obama, is a tyrant folks.

This thing was passed by the House, but not by the Senate, so folks thought it was dead.  NOT!  Obama, within the last few weeks has given it a new birth!  He calls it the National Security Strategy document and under it he has ORDERED Federal Police to start targeting anyone who opposes him and/or his very radical Communistic ideas!  That means you and me guys!  Say la vie!  It is the life and times we live in!

Obama will go down in history, as the first President, to condemn America's own citizens under the cover of national security!  WOW!  What a rat!  I hope he is reading this.  See what is done behind our backs when we are too concerned about their DISTRACTIONS?  That's right Obama!  I'd rather me and my family be dead and with God, than be a slave to you or anyone else.  Guys, get tough!  There are rough days ahead and I believe, that in the pit of every one's stomach, you know it!  Time to look yourself in the mirror and say, "I'm I going to shiver and shake and let them do as they please to me and my family or I am I going to trust in God and be firm and erect?"

Please read this:   http://www.eutimes.net/2010/05/new-obama-law-warned-will-jail-500000-americans/  and if you want a liberal view, you can read this and see how the liberals "sugar coat" the same story:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philip-giraldi/the-violent-radicalizatio_b_74091.html
and if they have not removed it, here is a new video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TgBNvUBLj0

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