Monday, June 28, 2010


"Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the US would be a demonstration of "moral strength"."

"Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own independent armed forces."
All righty then!  All us "State Militia" and/or gun advocates can stand up and cheer, right?  Well, I don't thinks so, folks.  Not so fast.  "What in the heck are you talkin' about, Sulak?"  Oh yeah, in case you haven't heard yet, The Supreme Court has just made a ruling to allow full, Constitutional GUN RIGHTS, that is the right of each and every "legal" citizen to KEEP
and BEAR arms, to all fifty of our State  Governments.  How 'bout them apples?  Pretty good, huh?  You bet it is, IF it can stand!  Oh, and it should be no surprise to you, that this ruling came over Chicago's opposition, no not the singing group, Mayor Daley and the city.  You know, the HUB of political corruption and grooming!
Now, before all of y'all start whoopin' and hollerin', y'all gotta remember the severe condition that this so-called president has.  It's called EOS and it's bad!  It has been stated, that EOS is the leading cause of decay in America today.  It can be devastating and the president has one of the most severe cases of Executive Order Syndrome in the history of The United States of America!  To date, there is no known cure for this condition, but patriots everywhere are working on it twenty-four seven.  We will find a cure or, at least, a way to "isolate" it or "remove" it.  The good news, while others are also infected, it appears to be confined to the Washington, DC area, with the biggest concentration around Pennsylvania Avenue.  We are all praying, that a solution is found soon.
Oh, almost forget.  The two statements above came from the step by step plan, which Obama is using to completely institute communism in America.  It is documented.  Step by step, forty-five of them to be exact.  He has already completed over half of them.  We gonna let him get a chance at the rest?  I don't think so!  Remember, through the States we win and through the Feds we lose.  STATES RIGHTS have got to be re-instituted now!  We have a very good start with Arizona, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska.  Do not let what they have started go to waste.  This should be our slogan:  STATES YES!  FEDS NO! 

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