Sunday, June 6, 2010

Greetings President Barrack Hussein Obama,

Here is a little welcome letter I sent to our new President today. I sure hope you folks might do th' same. You know, kinda let him know what you're worried about.

Greetings President Barrack Hussein Obama,

You have a very good and appealin' smile. It draws folks to ya. You talk real good and that don't hurt either. Now, I want to welcome you and I hope ya do some good, but you got me worried. I love this country and what it REALLY stands for and I feel you gonna mess it up with Socialist thinkin'. Or as someone once said "stinkin' thinkin'". I like the sound of th' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and I don't want it to become th' PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF AMERICA!

Now sure you got your "political correct" stuff you wanna do and that's fine, but I'm askin' you to put that stuff aside and get this country back on th' tracks, for now. You can do that other stuff later. You know, it don't take a rocket repairman to figure out that just spendin' money won't fix a darn thing. First, you gotta help folks get workin' and then they'll spend some money and money'll start comin' in to you to tend to that other stuff.

In closin' I just want to say this: Do th' RIGHT thing, right now. You can "grease" some palms later. They'll wait 'cause after all, you are th' President.

Just firin' some opinions at ya from this dumb ol' East Texas boy."
Sent January 2009.  I don't think he listened. 

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