Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It has been stated, that in order to catch a crook, you have to think like a crook.  There has to be a lot of truth to this, but how does an honest man accomplish it?  The two lines of thought are complete opposites.  For instance, you have probably heard on the news or seen on video, where crooks rob a place with cameras in full view.  Now we, being honest, know that is the first thing we'd look for, if we were crooks, but we aren't, yet we recognize this.  Crooks don't!  It's like a piece of their brain is missing.  It is also why, almost always, they lose.  I guess it's the good versus evil thing and the good seems to come out on top, more often than not.
So, this brings us to Obama and why the big rush on everything he does.  Why the rush?  Why the urgency?  Why no REAL discussion?  Anyone, that is really honest, knows that haste makes waste.  It is always better to analyze, discuss, analyze, discuss, and then analyze some more.  It is just common sense to do this, as most honest people understand. Then you have to SERIOUSLY ask yourself, "Did Obama let everyone read his proposals?  Did he let them study them?  Was he completely fair in who saw things and who did not?  Did he do things completely without anyone's knowledge, until after they had already been done (Executive Orders, Recess Appointments)?  Regardless of what other Presidents did, was he, Obama, as the leader of our country, FAIR?  Why didn't he just cover folks without insurance?  Why did he have to cover all of us?  Why didn't he just cover folks, who wanted his program?  Why are there fines?  I mean, even a hard core liberal has to stop and wonder about this, just a little bit.  C'mon, don't you?  Just a little?
The Healthcare Bill was probably the speediest thing Obama and Pelosi pushed through.  I believe everyone can agree on this.  Very, very fast, considering it will control about 17% of our entire economy.  Now, I strained and strained and asked myself why would a crook do this and why would an honest man do this?  Finally, one thing stood out like a sore thumb.  FOUR YEARS!  Yes, four years.  If healthcare were so very important to the country, why will it NOT be implemented until four years later?  Oh sure, a few items will come in, in 6 months, but the full force of the bill is four years away.  And, according to Obama it is far too important to wait on any longer, yet he is.  He and his Democratically controlled Congress has the power to do it now, or in one year, or two, or three, but they wait.  Four years they wait.  Why?
First lets look at this from an honest and caring person's point of view, as Obama claims to be on healthcare.  First you look at the facts.  FACT:  30 MILLION have no insurance. This is, without a doubt, the biggest, most obvious, and probably the most important thing, that would need to be done.  So, you would draft a bill that would remedy this problem.  Wouldn't you?  I mean, if you were a caring person and all.  You would make it effective immediately.  After all, these folks have no insurance.  They should not wait four years.  Should they?  Remember, you are an honest and caring person.  Now, you know that this could be done without a huge burden on taxpayers.  Especially, since you would also institute a National Sales Tax at the same time.  This would streamline the costly and cumbersome IRS, which would save billions.  In fact, just the streamlining of the IRS alone would more than pay for the 30 million uninsured.  Now, as for the rest of the INSURED folks?  You'd leave them ALONE!  Oh, you might, in good time, take care of pre-existing conditions and state line limitations, but other than that, well, let the ol' system fix itself.  They usually do.
Now, let's try are best to look at this from a uncaring crook's point of view.  First, you could care less who or what your bill affects.  Sure, you've got to make it look legitimate to avoid an early confrontation or even a defeat.  So, how do you do this and fool and/or stop millions of people while you carry it out?  You know, that you only have to stop or fool, folks who actually look for facts.  This really is quite easy because you have half of the citizens fooled.  They think you are magnificent.  You did a great con job in this area, but what about Congress?  You have the majority and of this majority, some are dedicated and believe in your "soiled" VISION.  Others try to choose the winning team and right now those, think your it.  The rest are in it for the ride.  They have been with you from the beginning.   As for the minority?  So what!  They are the minority, after all.    
So, you write the bill in secret, with only your CLOSEST friends and advisors involved.  You let your enemies think they are involved, but you slam that door pretty quick.  Next you display you bill, for all to see, for 72 hours.  You know full well, that this will not be enough time to question it.  Besides, you have already "bought" the last few votes you need to insure victory.  So, your bill get's passed.  Of course, being the cheap crook you are, you just cannot resist the temptation of "rubbing" your enemies face in the mud, with a few choice and rude words.  You deserve to crow like a cock.  You are close to pulling off the biggest "heist" in American history.  So you give them all a big, "Cock-a-doodle-do!"
Now what do you, the crook, do?  Well, you know this bill is bad, so you have to be careful.  You have elections in 2010 and then yours in 2012.  If anyone REALLY finds out, how this is REALLY going to work, you'll be dead in the water.  Boy, it's a good thing you made sure it would not go into effect for four more years.  This way you can salvage what you can of the Democrats and you'll be two years into your second term before anyone REALLY feels the pain of what you have done.  Of course, you still have to fix elections and, with immigration reform, unions, and all the refugees already here, you should have those locked up.  Next, you continue saturating the country with Muslim militia. Then, with the help of this militia, you move on to guns, food, water, utilities, and manufacturing and you set back and count the coin!  You will steal America and most will still love you and think you are great.  What a plan.
I continually pray for the lost souls in our land.  They just do not realize what is about to hit them right between the eyes.  I pity them.  The fighters of completely lost causes.  The protesters, who protest just to protest other protesters.  The brainwashed students, who have been given their daily dose of socialism.  The arguers, who argue without taking just a few moments to research things of which they argue.  The prayers, who believe that sitting on a couch and praying each day will solve all their problems.  It is a sad day, if we let the crook, as explained above, prevail and not the honest people.  Just ask yourself these questions:  "What if he is correct and the crook wins?  Will I be better off?  Will I too, lose?  What will I lose?  Will my parents and grandparents lose?  What about my brothers or sisters?"  And last, but certainly not least, "Am I really doing all I can to understand this big change in my country?"
.....and there you have some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Pray on it folks and if you don't pray, at least, research it.  Please.


  1. Welp, John, you hit the nail on the head there... dead on. No doubt of the crook or honest man running things. And the hurry-scurry, rush-rush-rush... can it be he knows he's an illegal usurper/straw man for the powers that be, so must do as much damage as possible, like a drunken vandal, before he is caught and held accountable for his criminal mischief? Methinks more than possible. God Bless and keep up the good fight... enjoy your day. A Texican from Cross Timbers...

  2. Thanks for the follow-up Tex. Good stuff.


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