Saturday, January 9, 2010


Well, we had another puny raghead, try to blow up another one of our airplanes.  Yeah, he stuck some explosives in his fruit of the looms, and the sucker couldn't even light the fuse.  No, instead he set himself on fire.  What idiots!  ALLAH BABA, or what ever they call their make believe God, sure didn't lend him no helpin' hand.  The ol' boy must of bowed in the wrong direction at sundown or sunset, I guess.  Anyway, Obama and Rahm missed another disaster they could have used, huh?  I'm sure they were highly disappointed!

Now, of course, when all this was happening, well, all the major political players were on vacation.  These boys and girls work SO HARD for us, that while this country is going down the tubes and some wacko idiot is trying to disrupt the FRIENDLY skies, well they're taking a break on a sunny beach or the slopes.  Yep, you had Obama on vacation in Hawaii!  Pelosi on vacation in Hawaii!  Can you imagine that hunk of flesh in a bathing suit on the beach?  Blrrrrrrrrrrrr!  "Children!  Cover your eyes!"  Let's see the head of the TSA was on the slopes skiing!  Heck, even ol' Rush Limbaugh was in Hawaii on vacation!  Probably had his crew getting shots of all the caring politicians there.  Anyway, you get the picture.  The ship was heading for the 'berg and there was no one at the wheel!

So, when they all finally get back to work, if you can call it that, Obama jumped right in.  He grunted and strained and grunted and strained and did his best to try to "MAN-UP", but he couldn't.  He wanted everyone to think he was sooooo tough and responsible.  Heck, he even copied ol' Roosevelt and said, "The buck stops with me!"  Ha!  I thought I was gonna pop a gasket!  I mean, it was soooo pathetic!  To sit there and watch a little punk, who hasn't ever worked a job in his life, who has never even been in a physical fight, who has never served in the military, and who throws a baseball like a little girl, try to really "MAN-UP", well it is hilarious guys.  Really!  It is.  Pee Wee Herman could've done a better job and we all know about Pee Wee, right?

Oh, and I almost rolled up in to a ball laughing, when he proclaimed, "THERE WILL BE NO FINGER POINTING!"  Oh my God, help me!  Couldn't you just feel the strength, the leadership, the integrity, the honesty, in his words and his demeanor?  NOT!!!!  The guy is an egotistical, insane little punk and he always will be an egotistical, insane little punk.  There ain't no "MAN-UP" in the boy!  Uh uh!  No sir!  I will give him this though, the ol' boy can certainly make me belly roll!  Every time he talks, its like watching a Saturday Night Live skit.  The punch lines are abundant!  He very well could be the "real" Last Comic Standing, if he just wasn't so darn pathetic.  I can't wait for his next show (speech)!

And on the "finger pointing" remark, he could not be more wrong.  He acts like, in all of America, or the World for that matter, that his hands are the only ones with fingers.  That's how utterly pathetic he is.  I mean, when he makes a statement like, "There will be no finger pointing.", doesn't he realize that there is a TON of finger pointing going on?  Oh yeah, he has got an ego in the way, so he probably doesn't!  Well guess what dude?  There are 350 million folks in the good ol' USA and they virtually all have hands and virtually all have fingers on those hands and guess what pal?  THE MAJORITY OF THEM ARE POINTING AT YOU!  Yeah boy!  They are!  You are the "SCREW-UP" in this deal!  You are the "SCREW-UP" in our country!  You are the "SCREW-UP" in our lives and we don't like it and we are blaming you!  Yes you Mr. Obama!  "The buck stops here."  Really?

Kinda funny, since Obama brought up "buck stopping".  I mean, for him, of all people, to talk about buck stopping.  Good gosh, since he became President, he has STOPPED NO BUCK!  Nope, he just keeps passing OUR BUCKS on to his benefactors and supporters and their unions, companies, enterprises, causes, and luxuries!  He is no "BUCK STOPPER!"  He is no "MAN!"  He is no "LEADER!"  He is no legitimate "PRESIDENT!"  He is, as I stated earlier, an EGOTISTICAL, INSANE "LITTLE PUNK!"  He is no good for us or OUR COUNTRY!  But the ol' boy is good for a laugh!

...and there, my friends, you have some more opinions from THE DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Y'all have a good 'un and don't laugh too darn hard at the lil' punk  'cause you might tear something and I need y'all well, so you can read my stuff.   


  1. Well said! Here we have a true statesman, and by that I mean someone who says what they mean, and is willing to stick with it and back it up!

  2. You are too kind Jim, but I really do appreciate the support. I wish I had the backing to run.

  3. 'nother good 'un, keep 'em comin' !!!

  4. I am wondering where the plane was when they discovered he was on board; and if there was time to turn it back to Amsterdam, or did they just decide to let him blow'er up on USA soil!?

  5. John, You continue to amaze me that you can see what I am thinking and put it down in writing? You're a true Patriot and I am sincerely proud to call you friend.
    Please keep that flame burning!!!
    I'm with ya brother!

  6. Those folks in the "Mao House" in D.C. ( district of corruption) are nothing more than "Wizard of Oz" characters. No Heart. No Brain. No Courage. But I agree with you John.
    I listen and laugh.

  7. I wish you had the backing to run too bro...only thing I would ask is that you support an Article V convention when it is called...
    -Μολὼν λαβέ !

  8. I think if OBAMA watched the movie "SHAFT" and tried to emulate Richard Roundtree,the original "SHAFT" he would implode! I also think "PEE WEE" could take him in a any forum,including pretending to be President of the strongest country on this planet!

  9. Thanks Stu! Thanks a bunch! And I'm with you too, my friend.

  10. Hey William! Heck of an observation. I like your style.

  11. Go get him Pee Wee! Oh, and the Roundtree thing...........BO would puke like a little baby! Have you seen him throw a baseball? It's hillarious!

  12. So true So true!! With every show he puts on (speech) his ratings go down more and more. The more he tries to lead the more weakness he reveals. He's a joke!!

    It would be a lot funnier if he was JUST "putting on a show" and not actually destroying so much of what we hold dear. Americans are PISSED...not laughing!

    Thanks for your blog!
    You add fuel to my fire every time I read!


  13. Hey Scott, like the way you talk, my friend. Sread the word every chance you get. Thank you.

  14. Said as only the Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy can!!! Great job!!!

    This, however, like 9-11 , was most likely a staged event to get the American people to willingly accept a further erosion of their Bill of Rights.

    The message from the government elite is to be very afraid because terrorists are out to kill us, and our only chance for survival is to have super-hero Uncle Sam, wearing tights and a cape, swoop in and save us. This is just another incremntal step in the political elite's plan to get us to accept subjugation in exchange for a false sense of security. This is revolution by evolution.

    Americans have been taught to expect their salvation from government, instead of recognizing government as the most dangerous threat they’ll ever face in their lives. Wake up!!! Our government is at war with us!!! The war on terrorism is a war on our freedom - plain and simple.

    At our current unpromising trajectory, this nation will not exist as a constitutional republic much longer. It will exist in name only. The protections it once granted will be ancient relics of a failed experiment in liberty: not failed because our founding fathers didn’t prepare us – failed because we prostituted ourselves at the alter of government salvation.

  15. FREEDOMFIGHTER - you have it locked down and dead on! The CURRENT government leaders are OUR ENEMY! The smiles and grins do not fool as many as they used to and that number is growing daily. They will not pull off their plan! Thanks for you insight.

  16. Once again John you had me laughing and vomiting at the same time. laughing at you comment and vomiting everytime you said the little punks name. I also rolled on the floor and laughed my rear off when the little punk Obama said the buck stops here! Since when has the buck stopped anywhere near him. Our money is being spent before we even get a chance to put it in our pockets or better yet as soon as we sign our checks! Everytime that punk speaks I puke about you? Thanks again John you and I are so alike. I have always spoke my mind to and don't care what other people think. I mean what I say and say what I mean!!

  17. Diannalea - Thanks for the kind words. You're a good 'un! Please keep speading the truth!


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