Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I AM AN AMERICAN!  A natural born citizen of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!  I served my AMERICA and was honorably discharged and was very proud to have had the opportunity to do so.  I believe in THE GOD ALMIGHTY!  The Christian/Judeo God!  The God, which our founding fathers spoke of.  The God, whose teachings were used to form our laws.  I believe, and take stock in, The ORIGINAL Constitution.  I believe, and take stock in, The Declaration Of Independence and The Bill of Rights.  I own, possess, and would not hesitate to use firearms, in defense of my country, my family, or my life.  I believe that possessing a firearm is my right and my duty.  I believe, that it is the duty of every American, to defend America, to the best of your ability and to protect those to weak to do so.  THIS IS WHERE I STAND!  I will not sway, bend, or yield these beliefs!  They are firmly planted in me and my very soul.

Now, for any attorneys, politicians, czars, liberals, elitist, socialites, actors, actresses, artists, or anyone else, including you Obama, who might believe in political correctness, what I have stated is clear enough!  Do not try to read anything extra in to it or take anything out of it.  What I have stated, is what I have stated.  It is not rocket science.  In it's simplest form, I believe in a country, God, the "real" laws of that country, and the defense of that country with the use of lawfully owned firearms, if necessary.  There is nothing further to explain.  There are no loop holes.  There is nothing to read between the lines.  It is crystal clear!  You cannot or will I let you, take this away from me!  I will never ever apologize for these beliefs and I have no use for anyone who does, in my name.  These beliefs are what keep me FREE!  They keep me sane.  They comfort me.

I have enjoyed this freedom, sanity, and comfort for sixty-two years.  Now, we have this little punk, Obama, with all his communists and anti-American cronies trying to take away my freedom, which I have enjoyed for such a long time.  Oh, and he's taking yours too.  Make no mistake about it, my friends.  You will all be affected.  You will all be hurt.  You will all feel the dreadful pain of loosing freedom.  Oh, some of you may think, that because you support him, he will make your life better.  Really?  You are NOTHING to him and his kind!  Given the power and opportunity, he will squash you like a little June bug on the fourth of July.  Even his Czars and cabinet members are not safe.  He will step on anything and anybody that tries to keep him from destroying America.  It is in his character, or lack there of.  He cannot help himself.  He does not have the freedom, sanity, and comfort, that so many of us possess, right now.  He is a frustrated little man.  A child that can't quite reach his toy.

Well, now I've come to my fork in the road.  The real test.  Can I really depend on TRUE AMERICANS or will I be ridiculed and shunned, never to be heard from again.  Life has gotten very tough and it calls for very tough actions.  My fight starts now!  I will oppose those that are not Patriots, at every single turn!  I am hoping that each and everyone of you out there, feel the same.  I am willing to chance that, but I do not think I am taking that big a chance.  I hope.  Here is what I have to say,

"If you do not believe as I do, in the first paragraph, then, at this point and time in our history, I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!  You are my enemy or, at the very least, a hindrance to AMERICA!  Anyone that does not believe in the things mentioned in the first paragraph are despicable.  You are merely a bump in my road.  I will avoid you and those like you." 

Okay, I know, that some of you are just to timid for guns, so, for you, I will back off of that one thing.  As long as you understand, that I, personally, will not.  It is time to make your stand folks.  To shun POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and those that promote it.  Remember, they are very afraid of you and Patriotism.  They know, when united, how strong and an unbeatable a force we can be.  Trust me, it is not difficult, at all, to proclaim your beliefs.  In fact, it is very liberating!  I do it everywhere now.  Among friends.  With relatives.  In public.  Everywhere.  It is like, for the first time in my life, I GET IT!  I truly know, what loving your country and your freedom and your God really means.

Well, there you have it.  Do you choose to crucify me or join me?  Oh, and please, I beg you, don't give me lip service.  I've already stated that I will not sway, bend, or yield.  I'm just trying to find a few folks that believe as I do.  The rest of you?  Don't bother.  You will not STAND and you will FALL.  So, what ya say?  Any takers?  Have you got it in you?  

....and that's some more opinions, and some facts, from THE DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Keep your powder dry, okay?


  1. Thanks, John. I'm with you, and I also firmly belive everything you have stated, and am not afraid to state it. My friends know how I feel, and they either agree or respect it. Keep up the good work, and I'll stay tuned in!

  2. God Bless You ole Texas Boy.
    I may be moving into your nerghborhood soon if we don't take back the House in 2010. I don't have many guns But I have multiple. I wear (Open Carry) everywhere I go in Central Kentucky and have NO plans to quit No Matter what laws they try to initiate. I'm standing for and with the Founder's Constitution, Progressives Be Damned...

  3. There ya go Jim! Stand firm and I thank you for doing it.

  4. Jim F. - come on down partner. We can use your kind in Texas. Hey, and thanks for your stand!

  5. You hit the nail on the head with that first paragraph! I feel the same way you do

  6. I am with you all the way! I was taught to shoot at an early age and am damn good at it, though I gave my gun away 3 weeks after my son burned to death in a car wreck. 5 years later, it is safe for me to have one or more now. After I kill it, I can cook it (depending on the species) but I am dead-eye on with a rifle. Where are you and I will come. I have nothing holding me here. If terrorists can have 35 training camps WITHIN the USA and we DO NOTHING, then by GOD we need to gear UP! (see my blog at ultranana for the full story.) We are running out of TIME! Let's ROLL! (Thanks Todd Beamer)


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