Wednesday, November 4, 2009


You know, we haven’t heard from that ol’ gal Napolitano lately, have we?  I wonder what lil’ Janet has been up to.  Kinda worries me to, because it’s the quiet ones that are usually the most dangerous.  So what has Janet been up to? 

Well folks, she has been just as busy as a beaver on a Rocky Mountain dam.  Her newest thing is protecting them precious ILLEGAL ALIENS some more.  After all, these folks are the new voters.  They have to be provided all the amenities of a REAL CITIZEN and more.  Her latest move involves Homeland Security, or insecurity, depending on what side of the border you live on, of course.  And no, it’s not our side.  She would never REALLY protect that!  Now would she?  It wouldn’t fit into THEIR PLAN.

So Janet, the little darling that she is, is going to “GAG” law enforcement!  You heard me right.  She calls it a “REVISED” agreement between Homeland Securities’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and all law enforcement.  Catchy, huh?  Sounds pretty darn official, but actually, she’s just BREAKING laws like virtually everyone in this administration does.  Now when you break this down, it just means that a cop, involved with an illegal alien, CANNOT say anything about the illegal alien to anyone, unless it is CLEARED through ICE first.  Thus, the “GAG” reference.  She wants to SHUT ‘EM UP!  Hushy, hushy, boys and girls or Janet will throw a fit.

What gives her the RIGHT to do this?  Well, of course, you and I know that she DOES NOT have the RIGHT to do this, but here is what they are standing behind (Of course, remember, it was REVISED).  Oh, and Janet didn’t say anything, but here is what her press secretary, Kelly Nantel said, “The Privacy Act and the privacy policy provide protections for U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents and, in the case of the privacy policy, illegal aliens.”  She based this brilliant remark on the Privacy Act of 1974, but she went on to say, that this Act did not actually protect ILLEGAL ALIENS.  She went on further, to state, that the Act was changed by Mike Chertoff, under Bush, to include ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Now, there is all kinds of legal mumbo jumbo surrounding this GAG ORDER and I will not bore you with it, all though, I did post some links, at the bottom of this article, for those that want to look into this further.  I will say that it all has to be, OFFICIALLY, posted in every law office in The United States.

So, let’s see if I have this right.  Janet Napolitano wants to LEGALLY protect ILLEGAL folks, from some hard working LEGAL cop, who wants to tell the LEGAL press about some of those same ILLEGAL folks?  Is that the way you got it figured?  Does that sound kinda, uh, BACKWARDS to ya?  Oh yeah, and Janet wants to site some old law, that DID NOT protect ILLEGAL folks in the beginning, but it was REVISED by a BUSH appointee who DID NOT use it for ILLEGAL ALIENS or to GAG our law enforcement, but now, due to a LEGAL loop hole or something, Janet decides to use it LEGALLY to protect ILLEGAL ALIENS.

So there you have it folks, just another Government Official, ignoring OUR CONSTITUTION, and going their own RADICAL way!  They need to understand, that WE ARE NOT IGNORANT!  We are ON TO THEM, at ever turn, and our MOMENTEM is growing, day by day.  We will not be stopped or be lead around like a lap dog!  We are here and we are not going away.  This is a NOTICE to this administration:  GET WITH AMERICAGET WITH THE CONSTITUTION!  GET WITH THE PATRIOTIC PROGRAM OR GET THE HELL OUT!  Our patience is running very thin.  You will get RIGHT or you will GO DOWN in defeat.

…and there you have some more opinions from TH’ DUMB OL’ EAST TEXAS BOY!  You Politicians better get RIGHT, you hear?  I’m just sayin!          



    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada used a procedural move to chop an amendment offered by Sen. Jeff Sessions that would have required unemployment compensation recipients to be verified through E-Verify. The working program accessed on any computer from Homeland Security, clearly can remove illegal alien workers, unless their documents prove otherwise by identifying their legal status at Social Security. A clear stand that Americans must be forced to compete with foreign labor. Simply speaking it just illustrates to me that he cares--ABSOLUTELY NOTHING--for the 15 million American Workers. Reid is more concerned with fulfilling his obligations to pariah businesses that want to hire illegal aliens instead of citizens and legal immigrants. We must keep pushing the Senate-House for a mandated-permanent E-Verify that cannot be rescinded by either party. SEE THE OTHER COLLABORATORS AT NUMBERSUSA, AND REMOVE A FEW FROM OFFICE IN 2010, INCLUDING SEN. REID. No question in my mind that these ruthless politicians, are out to derail E-Verify as they are/were in consultation with the Supreme court judges. You must wonder what tricks there up to, in seeking devious advise about the constitutionality of Arizona's immigration enforcement laws. If these administrations have manipulated their own immigration laws, or ignored them altogether. Why should the government try to intimidate states, because the people got tired of nothing being seriously accomplished by those morons in Washington?

    It's authorized for appropriations for three years, but that doesn't mean these jokers in Washington cannot side-track of completely obliterate it? I will repeat that HS chief Janet Napolitano has made some excuse to weaken the 287 G, general police rights to question and arrest illegal aliens on the streets or higways, if they have been trained by the feds. Even ICE raids are down to a trickle, obviously softened by the Democratic leadership? Senators and Representatives are all suspect, so call them at 202-224-3121. Be aware of immigration issues and immigration enforcement grading at NUMBERSUSA, Learn about corruption lawsuits, including ACORN sleaze at JUDICIAL WATCH. AMNESTY means OVERPOPULATION that needs your urgent attention at CAPSWEB. Be armed with knowledge of the coming BLANKET AMNESTY and how it will effect your paycheck. Once the word goes out millions more indigent, uneducated neglected people will rush the borders, or overstay their tourist visas to reach US soil. My question is when uncountable numbers of foreign nationals arrive in America through the fence, what excuses are the open border fanatics going to explain that unimaginable crisis away?

  2. Some very good points, Brittanicus. That will certainly help with some of the mess, but we still have a heck of a long way to go. We still would have the criminal element left, that could care less about unemployment.

  3. Kimble, for some reason, blogger would not post your comment, so I copied and paste here. You sound like a fella that GET'S IT, and I did not want to leave you out. Thhere is always more than one way to skin a cat.

    I almost never comment on blogs but after reading the comments of Bob Mroczek I just couldn't keep quite! Wow! He must have no contact with the real world. Moreover, he must have no idea what the Constitution says or means.

    Bob, the First Amendment addresses government intrusion only! John CAN NOT take away Richard's First Amendment "rights of free speech" because Richard DOES NOT have any right to free speech on a non-governmental web site!

    Then Bob asks, "How are you different than the President?" Sorry Bob, no one has the time or the space in this column to teach you that.

    Bob, stop being so naive. You need to become informed not only on current events in the news but also history.

    Stop being a lemming or a sheep.


  4. So, I wonder why she thinks one man can change the law? And if she knows that the policy doesn't coincide with the law... the right thing would be to change the policy, not enforce it!

  5. Citizens used to sue and remove people from office if they did not keep their Oath of Office. I don't know when or why or how this practise was stopped, but we must find a way to start it again. Any lawyers and judges out there who are willing to look into this?

  6. You got it Lynne! Of course, we USED TO HAVE a government of the people and where has that gone?


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