Wednesday, October 14, 2009



"It will not increase the deficit by one dime!"  Remember that one?  Yeah, Ol' Obama said it about his new health care fiasco.  Funny, but Pelosi used virtually the exact same terminology.  We know that these folks both express themselves differently, so why the same, " one dime!", lingo?  Let me explain it this way.  Remember when Bill Clinton said, "Well it depends on what "is", is.", when he was trying to wiggle out of the Monica Mess?  In his warped mind, he was trying desperately, to lie, without it looking like a lie.  He could always say, that he did not understand which definition of "is", which they were referring too.  I, in my dumb east Texas way, like to refer to it as "Bill Clinton Talkin'."  It's been used for years and years, but Ol' Bill really shined a light on it.

You see, every time a politician gets in a bit of a jam or just wants to avoid a subject or wants to protect themselves from, what they know is a lie, but might not be found out until later, they pull "Bill Clinton Talkin'," out of their bag of tricks.  That's what Lil' Hussein and Nancy both did.  You have to remember that their minds are screwed up.  They don't think right.  They feel a need to ALWAYS APPEAR accurate.  Liars always have this, self imposed, burden on their shoulders and they keep piling more and more on until, eventually, they fall under the weight of it all.

So when Lil' Hussein and Darlin' Nancy say, "It will not increase the deficit by one dime!", they really mean that it may increase the deficit by billions of dollars, but not by just ONE SINGLE LITTLE OL' DIME.

Here is another example of  radical liberal thinkin'.  A newspaper article reads, " a man slipped and fell on some purple grapes in a local grocery store and had to be rushed to an area hospital.  He is reportedly in stable condition and should fully recover."  Now, if this article was in a liberal paper, they would take it as fact and would probably be happy that the man was okay.  But, if the article was in a conservative paper, then you would hear this.  "How did they know it was purple grapes?  They could have been green.  It wasn't a local grocery store!  It was about two blocks outside the city limits.  Wouldn't that make it a rural grocery store?  Oh, and how do we know the man is in stable condition?  They used the word "reportedly"?  

You see how FAR GONE these Kool Aid sippers are?  They have lost all sense of reason when it comes to facts. 

You, my friends, are contributing to ORGANIZED CRIME!  Yes you are!  Each and every time you pay one cent of income tax, according to the Constitution and current law, you are contributing and supporting organized crime!  How?  Well, Illegal Immigration is organized crime!  ACORN is organized crime!  SEIU is organized crime!  THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS are organized crime!  LOBBYISTS are organized crime!  Government pork is organized crime!  In fact, it could probably be said, that virtually the entire UNITED STATES CONGRESS is organized crime!  You, whether you realize it or not, SUPPORT this organized crime.  How many times have we herd, "Ignorance is no excuse?  Sorry, but it is the law!"  Think on that a few seconds and let it sink in.  The Constitution finds that the items above are unconstitutional!  They are in violation!  It is against the laws of our founding fathers!  Now you know it and I know it!  WE ARE BEING FORCED TO SUPPORT ORGANIZED CRIME!

There is a new Cervical Cancer Vaccine that has been approved by the FDA.  Now, this vaccine seems to do wonders.  It has been tested and proven, thus the FDA approval.  Many states feel that all girls between the ages of twelve and twenty-six should take the vaccine and are pushing for approval.   Although not as highly publicized, the drug also prevents penal and testicle cancer in young men in the same age group.  Thousands of doctors feel that the vaccine should be included in school vaccines, but there is a snag.

And here is how the government works to provide you, according to Lil' Hussein, the VERY BEST HEALTH CARE!  The FDA does not feel that it is cost effective.  You heard me right.  Here we have a drug that may stop cancer in virtually millions of young men and women, but the FDA does not think it is cost effective.  And these are the kind of decisions you want each and every day with government run health care?  No, I don't think you do.

Remember, when I said, "Don't take you eye off the big ball."?  Well the "Big Ball" is hidden in virtually every single thing Lil' Hussein does or says.  House Bill 3200 is The Affordable Health Care Choice Act of 2009 and nothing could be farther from the truth!  I have to laugh when I break the title down. 

AFFORDABLE?  Wow, if you think health care costs a lot now, just wait until Lil' Hussein gets through with you.  I know, it will not cost us one single dime more.  Yeah right. 

HEALTH CARE?  Maybe, if you can wait long enough or if you're not too old, you might get some weak version of care.  My wife has a friend in England that has Fibro Mylagia and the only drug they will give her is Morphine.  She will die from the treatment before she dies from the disease.  No death panels here, just death.  Lil' Hussein likes England's system.  Go figure?

CHOICE?  This is the best one of all!  It really means absolutely NO CHOICE!  How long do you think that private insurance is going to be able to compete with government insurance?  Maybe a few months?  Yeah, Lil' Hussein has got himself a handful of shady word manipulators.  They try to cover every angle with every possible lie.

ACT?  The last word is the only HONEST word in there.  Yes sir, it is one big act, but you are not supposed to know that.  You are supposed to think that it really is about health care.  It's not.  No, it's about the BIG BALL in Lil' Hussein's brain.  The one he always keeps HIS eye on.  The one he will try to cover America with and, maybe, the world.

You see, health care, is the last slice of the socialistic pie.  It is the one slice that they have been trying to get for almost eighty years.  Really!  Once this slice is gone, then America, The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights,  all of our traditions, and our right to worship Almighty God will be gone too.

Why is this not about health care?  Well, think about it.  If you have to depend on one single entity, for your very well being, would you cave in?  Patriots wouldn't, but most people would.  Most folks like to say they are Patriots because it sounds neat or because all of their friends are saying they are Patriots, but it takes a lot more than that.  Yes, when this entity has control of your money, your children, education, energy, food, health, and existence, then and only then, will you find out if you are a Patriot.  A Patriot has to get gut wrenching mean, they have to be willing to go hungry, get hot, sweat, avoid comfort, freeze, go thirsty, live off the land and kill, if it means keeping our country and way of life.  A Patriot must be willing to go through this while trying to protect the weak at the same time.  Think long and hard on this.  Are you REALLY willing to save our country, or, at least, be honest and state that you are on the Patriots side, but need help.  YOU MAY VERY WELL HAVE TO MAKE THESE CHOICES.  And no, I am not a nut!  I am perfectly sane, calm, collected, and ready for what lies ahead.  BE PREPARED!  If not, then make friends with someone that is, quick.

Folks, in case you forget, and in light of all her sacrifices, I've got to harp on this one again.  You see, back in 2002 the University of Chicago hired poor, lil', all sacrifice and no play, Michelle "Mama Hussein" Obama.  Yeah, she was hired to run some sort of a mix of programs for community relations, recruiting volunteers, reaching out to neighborhoods, and minority contracting (nothing racists about that).  Anyway, because she was in need of a job desperately and they did not want to see her suffer, they paid her $120,000 a year.

Now she "supposedly" did all those chores mentioned above and did them so darn well, that in 2005, they raised her pay to a measly $317,000 per year.  Wow!  That's almost 300%!  That would be like a person making $10 and hour and the boss comes in one morning and raises him/her to $30 an hour.  She must have been good at what she did or her and her boss were .... ah ..... can I put this? Ah.....COZY.  Now wait a minute though.  If I recall right, wasn't that the year that Lil' Hussein became a, hee, hee, Senator?  Why yes it was!  And also, now I'm just sayin', didn't he request a cool one million for that university, as an attachment to a bill.  OINK!  Yes he did!  Couldn't of had nuthin' to do with Mama Hussein's bump in pay, could it?  Naw, that would be unethical.  Lil' Hussein is ALWAYS ethical, right?

Wait!  There is more.  Of course, today, Ol' Mama Hussein's position, at that university is still not filled.  You'd think, that a job, that was important enough, to pay someone over three hundred thousand clams a year, would have been filled by now.  I mean, I know that Van Jones was available, or William Ayers, or Tom Daschle, or, maybe....a Charlie Rangel?  She was so dang good they just couldn't find a replacement for her "part time" position.  Oh, you didn't know that?  Yeah, it was twenty hours a week.  Uh huh!  Oh, she lost her license to practice law too!  Yep.  Didn't see none of this on NBC or CNN, did ya?  Didn't think so.  

........and there you have a few more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Gotta go now.  Be good.

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