Thursday, August 6, 2009


Ya know, this Obama fella is a smug ol' boy. He's kinda like a fella that wants to burn th' house down 'cause mama didn't change his sheets. Kinda spoiled rotten and awfully set in his ways. Th' ol' boy just don't know what's good for him and especially for us. Like a skunk in a barn, he tries to fool ya by goin' this way than that, hidin' here and hidin' there, but after all his shiftin' around, well, th' ol' barn still stinks. It'll stay that way too, until you get th' varmit outta th' barn!  Now let's look at how we stand under this skunk.....uh oh, I mean this ol' boy.

PROBLEM: RUSSIA - They can hit us from th' east or west , with long range nukes and, more than likely, biological weapons too. They're supplin' Iran, Chavez, Castro, and God knows who else, nuclear materials. Ol' routin' tootin' Putin don't care for us much neither.

PROBLEM: IRAN - If not yet, they will soon be able to hit hist from th' east or west with nukes. Amadenahoochie is tight with Putin, Castro, Chavez, and Ill. They don't like us! They are Jihadist! You know, folks that want us dead!

PROBLEM: NORTH KOREA - They are a time bomb waitin' to explode partner and they'd like to see America vanish into thin air. If left alone, they too will be able to strike us east or west.

PROBLEM: HUGO CHAVEZ - He has probably already started some form of biological weapon and he is just to our south. Wouldn't take much of a device to deliver the juice.

PROBLEM: CASTRO - very short distance to our south. We cannot even monitor what goes in and out of our country. What makes ya think we can monitor Cuba?

PROBLEM: CHINA - we owe them trillions. I am sure, judgin' from where our country's headed, that they feel that they are simply makin' a down payment on th' purchase of America. They are socialists, Obama is socialists, don't take much figurin', does it? They can also hit us from east or west.

PROBLEM: SAUDI ARABIA - very rich. It's a good bet that they are fundin' just about all of our enemies. It's just good business and they are all about business.

PROBLEM: ISRAEL - Obama, like any good Muslim, hates Jews. He is goin' to avoid Israel like th' plague!

PROBLEM: ENGLAND - good ally, but it is almost completely taken over by Muslims. It is getting weaker by th' day.

PROBLEM: JIHADIST CAMPS - There are, at least, thirty-five (35) Jihadist trainin' camps, in fifteen states, right here in America. There is one 'bout forty-five minutes south of my location in Texas. How many dirty bombs are already here? I mean, with our "open borders" and all.

PROBLEM: OPEN BORDERS - our leaders keep puttin' out th' bait and th' "puddle jumpers" keep comin' on OUR LAND and gobblin' it up! Th' bait? Tax Free Jobs! Free Medical! Free Schools! Free Housing! Free Right To Complain! Catch and Release! And th' DC gang wants 'em here! Yes they do! I'll get on this one in another piece.

PROBLEM: PROTECTION/GUNS - there are systematically being taken away and/or being made too expensive to legally maintain. Heck, even if I didn't like guns, I would want citizens, willing to protect us, to have them. I mean, if for no other reason but th' fact that there are Jihadist training camps amongst us. And what if the government did go completely bizerk?

PROBLEM: OUR CHILDREN - bein' taught bogus history, alternate life styles, sex, and anti-Christain/Judeo principles, and we're payin' or it.

PROBLEM: "NO READ" BILLS - look folks, there ain't but one reason to pass a bill without readin' it or lettin' an American Citizen read it. Speed and cover-up! Speed and cover-up! They are "maskin'" th' bills!

PROBLEM: GOD - th' word bein' removed from all over. We are talkin' a three letter word. It is not vulgar. It is not in bad taste. Our FOUNDING FATHERS found it politically correct. Why all th' concern? One of two reasons: First, th' anti-christ has arrived and cannot stand to look at it and/or it does not fit-in in a socialistic society.

PROBLEM: GOVERNMENT - it is takin' over everything REAL AMERICANS hold dear. God. Family. Religion. Private Auto, Financial, Medical, and All Industry. Th' Constitution. Th' Bill of Rights. Our children. Our right to life. Individualism. FREEDOM! Liberty! Justice!

PROBLEM: PRESIDENT - has a "SPENDIN' AGENDA!" FACT: The United States is broke! The only money we have is borrowed. The President is like th' spoiled rich kid who's parents don't care for him and just keep throwin' money at him. Only th' money is ours, your and mine.

BIGGEST PROBLEM: THE FEDERAL RESERVE BIG 12 - owns 90% of all the money in The United States. All th' money Obama is spendin', is loaned to th' government by TH' BIG 12 and th' government (us, our children, our grand children, and on and on) pay interest on th' loans. Th' interest alone is over $500,000,000 per day! Technically, they own me and you. They have been shut down three times Abe Lincoln shut them down and they killed him! After his death it was re-instituted. John Kennedy shut them down and they killed him! After his death it was re-instituted. It is a SCAM! SERIOUSLY! And all members of government, and media are either indebted, scared of, or owned by TH' BIG 12! That's why you do not here this on th' news, not even Fox.

"Where there is no law, there is no liberty; and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community." --Benjamin Rush, letter to David Ramsay, circa April 1788

Yeah, they got us hangin' like a bunch of peaches. Just a waitin' until we are ripe enough for th' pickin'! So, ya gotta ask yourself, "Am I just somethin' waitin' to be picked clean or am I a patriot ready to get this baloney straighted out?" So whatcha' say bubba? "Well alright then, let's roll!!!"

.....and that's some more "heart felt" opinions from me, TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY (John L Sulak)


  1. That pretty much lays it out! Now where do I run and hide?

  2. Ya don't hide - You fight! Freedom ain't cheap! Get meaner, tougher, smarter, and more determined than you've ever been in your life. Don't worry, if things get bad, real bad, there WILL be enough patriots to keep ya safe!


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