Thursday, July 23, 2009


Hey, I heard this mornin' that Ol' Bubba Junior Bin Laden got popped. See there really are days that some things do go right! Yeah, they said that they're 'bout eighty-five percent sure that he, Saad Bin Laden, son of th' ol' man, Osama Bin Laden, got hit in an air strike in Afghanistan. Boy, I bet that hurt! Kinda brings a tear to your eye, don't it? NOT! I wonder if he was doin' that high pitched "Jihad" whalin' with his tongue goin' back and forth like some complete insane asylum wacko, at th' time he got blown up? Poppa musta' been proud. Watch out Pops, you're next!

Now, if y'all think I'm bein' insensitive 'bout this, well, live with it. Everybody seems to be tip toein' 'round these "rag heads", but it is time it stopped! And when I say "rag heads", I mean any Islam/Muslim that wants to KILL Americans and/or wishes Americans DIE! Now, if you're a REAL American Islam/Muslim and you respect th' liberties that you enjoy here and you mean your fellow American no harm, then more power to ya brother. I am sick and tired of this Political Correct baloney concernin' th' "rag heads"!

Yesterday I heard that an ol' boy got arrested and put in jail for threats he made to a tele-marketing company. You know, those idiots that invade your privacy daily! Well, I admit that this fella took it a bit too far. You see he basically said that he was goin' to burn their building down and kill th' employees. Not good. Anyway, what gets me 'bout this whole thing is th' fact that we can have "rag heads" holdin' meetin's 'bout wantin' to kill us and Jihad trainin' camps scattered across fifteen American states, but they're left alone! No arrests! Heck, it barely even gets on th' news! There is even one of those camps about forty-five minutes south of me. Now, if we had REAL LAW in America, these "rag heads" would be rounded up and arrested for treason or something like it! Yep, Our Great America is truly becomin' a very "strange" land!

Racial profilin'? Hey, we better start doin' some kinda profilin' and darn soon. And Al and Jesse, don't give me this black/white, race card baloney! Just keep your mouths shut! This time we are all in th' same leakin' boat! These "rag heads" want all of us dead regardless of your dang color. Yep, anyone that don't believe in their cause is goin' south, if they have their way. Oh, and you dummies that want to join them, well, if they should take over...........guess what? You are gone brotha! As soon as they're finished with your stupid self, bing bang're history!

The third verse of th' song "Smiling Faces Sometimes" really sums it up pretty good:
Smilin' faces, Smilin' faces, Sometimes, they don't tell th' truth.
Smilin' faces, Smilin' faces tell lies and I got proof.
Your enemy won't do you harm 'cause you'll know where he's comin' from;
don't let th' handshake and th' smile fool ya.

Folks, these "rag heads" are cunnin'! They are shrewd and very, very patient. They have literally gone through generation after generation after generation of learnin' how to kill non-believers. They will, if givin' the opportunity, KILL YOU! Look closely at world news. They have and are spreading their "hate tentacles" throughout th' world! England is almost helpless aginst them. And now that, what I believe is their Islam/Muslim "PLANT", Mr. Obama, in OUR HOUSE, well, if you ain't seein' th' writin' on th' wall..........GOD HELP YA! Yes, these idiots are for real! This isn't play time! Put down th' Blackberry's, I-phones, video joy sticks, and grab your pen, your computer, or your phone and start spreadin' th' word! Just like Paul Revere shouted, "The British are coming! The British are coming!" Well, we need to shoutin', "The "Rag Heads" are comin'! The "Rag Heads" are comin!" In fact, they are already here! Justa smilin' and grinin' and waitin' for th' word.

...............and that's some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY. Oh, and check this link out too: it kinda ties in to what I'm sayin' to ya.


  1. John I see that we are on the exact same page with all of this HC fiasco! Please keep a watchful eye on this mess, to help us stay informed! I will forward to you, everything I come accross that affects our future! We have to make sure this does not happen, once in place it cannot be undone. I support your position(s) and will help spread the message!
    Your friend & partner in these efforts,
    Mike Mallory

  2. Amen Brother! We know! Keepin the powder dry for em too! I don't mind obliging them to become "Shahida"...


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