Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Folks, just like a person with "street smarts" will get a since of when a fight is coming his way, so is the way I feel about REAL Americans. There is a REAL fight coming! We have to get prepared! We, the fighters, the patriots, the REAL AMERICANS, have been desperately trying to stop this steam roller! There is just not enough of us that are willing to pay the price. Most folks are just too busy enjoying themselves while the "few" fight their battles. Just the other day, I asked a fella to take a look at an article that would tell him what's goin' on. You know what he said? He told me, "I just don't have time for that "political" stuff." That's what I mean! And this was an educated, successful, businessman. He had time to fish, hunt, golf, watch "reality" (that's a joke) TV, eat out, etc., but did not have time for his COUNTRY! He would not take time to read one article. Wow. Hey, but that's what we are up against.............complacency! And, I mean, why not? Since 1776 our country has somehow remained in tack. These folks have gotten used to government taking care of itself. So why worry? Are they that immature, that they actually believe that this "safety" will go on forever? Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, etc. knew what a complacent and/or confused people were and so does Hussein Obama and th' folks backin' him!

Hey, whether you believe it or not, the deck is being "stacked" against us! You, me, liberals, conservatives, blacks, whites, and it's not in our favor. Do you realize that virtually everything about Barrack Hussein and Michelle Obama is ONE BIG HOAX! Hey, don't shoot th' messenger partner! Open up your mind and your eyes and investigate this stuff for yourself. It's there, but it's gonna take a lil' time and effort. Did you know that Ol' Hussein Obama is only 6% black and over 50% white? Yet the media claimed that he was the first black president and the voters bought th' hype. Yes you did chief! Did you know that sweet lil' Michelle is a disbarred Illinois attorney? Yep, she cannot practice law. Did you know that Ol' Barrack virtually illegally stole his Senate seat from Alice Palmer. This is the same woman that was a VERY KEY figure in launching his career. Didn't know that he was a "back stabber", huh? Did you know that Ol' Barrack's dad was a communist? Did you know that the person that took Barrack under his wing, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist? Did you know that Barrack SOUGHT OUT Marxist professors in college? Do you remember who he was CLOSE friends with? Bill Ayers, the braggart Pentagon Bomber. Did you see him on National Television BOW to a Saudi King and then state that he did not? Did you know that he will not release his REAL birth certificate? Oh, there are phony copies floatin' around, but heck, even th' dumbest crook can "doctor up" a copy. HOAX! ONE BIG LYIN' HOAX! Yeah, it's all there, right before your eyes, but it doesn't matter. Th' folks ain't got time to investigate th' friggin' leader of their country! No siree! It's like Adolph Hitler said, "The victor will never be asked if he told the truth." And mainstream (bought & paid for) media makes certain of that!

Now let's talk a lil' more 'bout dictators. Here is one you probably haven't heard or don't remember:

"The nation was in shambles. A previous ruler had led the country into an unnecessary war, the economy was failing, and a sense of depression filled the air. Then, a new leader emerged. He was a powerful speaker, offering hope, change, and a fix to the economy. He wrote two books about his experiences and used his literary work to propel him to success. He was an open christian with some Muslim friends. He called for unity and considered himself an advocate of peace. Some of his political opponents cast him as naive and inexperienced. He also had a lot of radical ties, but the media, and ultimately the voters, were willing to overlook that." ------- Fred Shelm

Who was Ol' Fred talkin' about? It was in one of his articles. C'mon! Give up? Oh, you thought it was Ol' Barrack, didn't ya? Well, if you did, you'd be wrong 'cause it was Ol' Adolph Hitler himself. Yep. But I bet you noticed that it could've been written about either one, huh? This Barrack guy is a problem folks! A big problem! He, his backers, and his henchmen are SNEAKIN' up on us! They will not be happy until the government (Barrack Obama) controls everything and everyone in America! We have to draw a line in th' sand! We have to convince the complacent and the uninformed that this is REAL and it is happening TODAY!

Remember this, don't shoot TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY for these opinions. All I'm doin' is givin' you a startin' place to get some dang facts. Th' rest is on your shoulders partner. It boils down to two questions:

1. Do you love your country enough to get a few facts and protect it?

2. Do you not believe a thing I am sayin' and you'd rather ignore than investigate?

"How fortunate for government that the people they govern don't think." ..... Adolph Hitler


  1. Most Americans now understand we don't need anymore .gov in our lives. This guy can play King of the World when we kick him out of the Big House! Great Picture the only thing missing is the tele-prompter but on the other hand he looks lost!

  2. Wow the similarities to Hitler are shocking! I hope and pray people will see this guy (Barrack) for what he really is!

  3. Hey, Jeanie & Calvin, thanks for the comments. Keep th' word going.


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.