Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Jim, an immigrant, came to America in 1971. He was amazed at how big everything was. You see, he had been adopted by an elderly woman when she was vacationing overseas. He disliked his parents and they allowed the adoption. He did not seem to miss them at all, but they weighed on his young mind. This would haunt him as he grew older. But for now, he was only ten years old and, to him, this was a fantastic dream. America! He was actually in America.

Yes, Jim was a very sharp kid and caught on to American ways very quickly. He loved school and thought that education was the key to everything. His guardian had the ability to send him to some of the best private schools and for this he was very thankful. Of course, just like some teenagers, Jim had to spread his wings. He fell into a few bad crowds and used alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. He blamed these indiscretions on his parents and his young pitiful life. Finally though, after years of studying and learning he received his High School diploma. Man, was he proud. At age eighteen, he felt that he had become a man and that it was time to grow. He moved to Los Angeles to seek fortune and fame, but the memory of his parents burdened him.

Movin' and shakin', you could say, was an understatement when it came to Jim. He went to college in California, but then the restlessness set in, and the thought of his parents. It was like he was trying to hide from the thought of them. Anyway, he went to New york and attended another college there. He graduated from this one and after four years in New York, once again, he had to move on. He moved to Chicago and after floating around with five or six work positions, he just had to move on again. He ended up in Massachusetts and enrolled in another college. He graduated from this college in 1991 and then, yep, on the move again, went back to Chicago. This time, Jim's hatred of his parents and want of power, led him into associations with some of Chicago's most unscrupulous characters. Yes sir, they liked Jim, but more importantly, they liked what Jim could do for them. It was easy too. Jim was green, but educated, gullible, but lovable, and he was desperately needing to rise to the top, no matter what. The plan was put in motion. These thugs invested greatly in him, they groomed him, they paraded him around like a prize bull at a county fair, and they never let him forget that there would come a time to return their favors. Of course, Jim didn't worry about that now. He was having too much fun and soaking up so much attention.

Yeah, the attention was there alright. He would be appointed to this committee and that committee. He became a member of this foundation and that foundation. He participated in one Fund or another and even was a college professor, for a while. The thugs loved him! With his gift of gab and street knowledge, he was perfect. They had one very BIG problem though. He was an immigrant. He was not born in the United States and, in their grand design, this was some kind of stumbling block. So they thought and thought and thought and then it came to them. "This was America! Americans were the most gullible folks on the planet. All we have to do is put the "fix" in." And they did. The next step was to get Jim into politics, where they could utilize him even more. One thing led to another and Jim became an Illinois Senator or should I say, "Chicago Senator?" No body, of significance, suspected a thing. Their many "pay offs" came through. It went just as planned. Now they could start reaping a few things that they have sown, but not too many. They had an even bigger plan.

The thugs had their eye on the Presidency of the United States! Once they get their "boy" in there, well, the sky is the limit. They thought to themselves, "We can control government. We can control business. We can control Banks! We can control Hospitals! Heck, we can even control America and every sucker in it!" The only obstacle, in the way, was the "immigrant" thing. Once again they would rely on the gullibility and/or the lack of concern of the American people. It cost them a ton of time and money, but with the help of their "friends", Acorn, Main-Stream Media, Hollywood, foreign contributions, and GULLIBLE Americans, once again, IT WORKED! Yep, Jim became the President of the United States under some of the most questionable and unscrupulous circumstances ever imaginable!

Of course, by now, you know that I am talking about "your" President, Barrack Hussein Obama. No, he is not my President! My President has to be a Natural Born United States Citizen! My President has to be a man of honor, integrity, and dignity! Oh, and this "TRANSPARENCY" thing? Let me share with you a few items of his transparency:

1. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's original vault copy of Certificate of Live Birth in the United States. One version is in Hawaii and another, the original, is in Kenya.
2. NOT RELEASED: The Barrack Hussein Obama and Dunham marriage license.
3. NOT RELEASED: The Soetoro and Dunham marriage license.
4. NOT RELEASED: The Soetoro adoption records.
5. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Fransiskus Assisi School application.
6. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Punahou School records.
7. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Occidental College records.
8. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Palestian Passport.
9. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Columbia College records.
10. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Columbia thesis.
11. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Medical records.
12. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Harvard College records.
13. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Illinois Senate are locked up to prevent PUBLIC view!
14. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's Illinois State Senate schedule was presumably lost. All other Illinois State Senators' records are completely intact.
15. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's law practice client list.
16. NOT RELEASED: Barrack Hussein Obama's University of Chicago scholarly articles.

But let's not stop here folks. There is more! Lest we forget, Dan Rather lost his job because of his participation in the "thugs" cover up and/or Bush Bashing. Oh, and without a word from Main-Stream Media, the Supreme Court has scheduled a conference concerning Obama's REAL citizenship. Didn't know that one, did ya? And now Hussein Obama, your President, is trying to do the "thugs" bidding by stealing American business, health care, guns, rights, THE CONSTITUTION, and people! C'mon folks, you actually want to sit there and stare into the sky blue yonder and convince yourself that this is not a full fledged "COVER UP"? C'mon guys! Dang! What's it gonna take? WE HAVE A COUNTERFEIT PRESIDENT! And you're gonna keep wearin' them rose colored specs? Geeez! I mean, never in the history of our Presidents have we known so LITTLE about a person who we have given such GREAT POWER! Amazing..........................

These are my opinions and I remain, TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY, just tellin' it like I see it. Hold on to them guns folks! Please. We may need ya.


  1. It is truly despicable that this is allowed in our America! Americans will have to stand together to fight this! No one or two courageous people can fight it alone and the "thugs" know it. Citizens need solutions. Many feel that their hands are tied. They want to DO something (stop paying federal taxes, demand their state succeed from this corruption, march to DC, write politician after politician to no avail) but what "something" is going to bring people together and really stop the corruption?

  2. Jill - you're right and thanks for your heartfelt reply. We will get there somehow.

  3. I'm with Jill.
    What do we do?
    I write to our state officials, and I receive back replies, but it doesn't help when it is JUST one person in DC against all the corruption.
    People, listen up and stop taking this abuse!



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